Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Caribbean Destinations That Aren't in the Hurricane Belt

Planning a trip to the Caribbean but worried about hurricane season? Luckily, these destinations are actually outside of the hurricane belt.

The 5 Best Extra Virgin Olive Oils

Choosing the right oil to cook with isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these five extra virgin olive oils and everything in life will taste better.

Tactics of the rich

There are things the rich do that working class and middle class folks don't. Some of them--living off the return on capital rather than wages or salary--are only available to the

$20 in New York City: The 15 Best Ways to Spend It

New York is famously pricey, but it's also famously frugal, if you know where to look. Try some of these fun ways to take a $20 bite out of the Big Apple.

These Apps Turn Saving Money Into a Game — Are They Worth It?

These apps promise to gamify your savings and investing, but is gamification really the key to better finances?

Best Money Tips: Common Retirement Planning Mistakes

Today we found some very cool articles on common retirement planning mistakes, amazing ways to use balloons, and stocking your medicine cabinet for less.

The 10 Most Productive Ways to Spend Your Lunch Hour

Lunch is the most important hour of the workday. Make the most of your time by making it all yours — and not the man's.

6 Ways Workaholism Is Costing You Money

Putting in long hours at work often means a bigger paycheck. But what about when burning the midnight oil ends up costing you money?

I'm Fleeing The Country For Healthcare!

It’s all the buzz lately as healthcare costs rise, and especially after Michael Moore’s SICKO caught the attention of the masses. Those of us not living in places where everyone

Build a Cable to Control Your Android Phone While You Drive

The music app on my Nexus One starts and stops randomly when a standard stereo plug is plugged into the 3.5mm headphone jack. I did a bit of research and decided that I could solve

How Much Would It Cost to Actually Live Like a Queen for a Day?

You'd need awfully deep pockets to lead a lifestyle fit for a queen.

This Interview Technique Will Get You Hired

Don't let your next job interview become another tale about the one that got away. Use this key technique to present the most employable you.

20 Bonkers Candy Corn Recipes

Give Halloween's most divisive treat a a delicious makeover with these 20 amazing candy corn recipes.

Save Time and Money With a Monthly Assembly (or Bulk) Cooking Weekend

Imagine all your weekday meals prepped and ready after your commute — and still homemade and frugal. Make it real with your own home-cooking assembly line.

Why You Pay More at the Grocery Store (and How to Stop)

Grocer tricks and bad habits lead you to pay more than you need to for groceries. Learn how to break free and save more on your food.

The financial wisdom of Fight Club

“The first rule of Fight Club – We Do Not Talk About Fight Club.” Everyone who’s seen the movie remembers that. But what about something Tyler Durden, the anarchist extraordinaire,

Budgeting Hack: Gift Calendars

There is no quicker way to derail a decent budget than having to buy unexpected gifts. Learn how to make your own Gift Calendar so you can steer clear of the cash crunch, organize

4 Questions to Ask Before Getting a Credit Increase

Before you ask your credit card provider for a limit increase, take the time to ask yourself a few questions, too.

Does Your Teenager Really Need a Credit Card?

Does your teenager actually need a credit card? Probably.

7 Ways to Make Amazon Pay YOU!

Online retail giant Amazon may be known as a shopper's mecca, but you can also earn significant cash from the site, too. Here's how.