Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Books to Read for a Better Money Mindset

Struggling to stay true to your higher-self financial goals? Any of these reads can reset your money mindset.

5 More Fun, Affordable Train Trips

Summer's over, but don't let that stop you from one of these fun and frugal train trips. They're great for a fabulous fall excursion.

The Great Coupon Debate

What's the one thing worse than talking about a budget with your spouse? Grocery shopping. I live with a coupon cutter who insists we buy nothing that isn't bought with coupons. Bu

5-Day Debt Reduction Plan: Add It Up

It's Day Two of your plan to tackle debt reduction. Time to ditch the excuses, break out the calculator, and make a game plan.

How to Tell if Your 401K Is a Good or a Bad One

The sad truth is that some 401K plans offer bad investments with high fees. Learn how to evaluate yours before you lose too much.

Is Pay-As-You-Drive Auto Insurance Worth It?

If you car spends more time in the driveway than on the road, a pay-as-you-go car insurance plan may save you money.

How Living in a Hotel Can Be Surprisingly Affordable

Believe it or not, living in a hotel can be an affordable housing option.

10 Resume Mistakes That Will Hurt Your Job Search

Finding a job is hard even in the best of circumstances, but you're sabotaging your search if you're making these basic resume errors.

5 Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Your Job

From a bad attitude to a blabber mouth, these behaviors may be the reason you can't keep a job.

5 Foods I Grew Tired of Buying, and How I Quit

Everyone who cares about frugality understands that it often involves becoming more self-reliant. The following is a list of kitchen staples that I quit buying, and how I’ve made i

12 Questions to Ask Before You Take a Job Offer

So, you've got a job offer on the table. But before you sign anything, make sure you get the answers to some important questions.

5 Sites That Will Pay for Your Old iPhone

If you want the new iPhone 7, but balk at the price tag, these five sites can help you get the most money for your old phone.

15 Life Skills You Can Learn in 30 Minutes or Less

Improve your life and save money with these 15 easy-to-learn skills!

10 Tricks to Avoid Workout Burnout

Don't sabotage your fitness goals by giving in before fitness becomes a habit. Stay on track by knowing when to ease up and when to power through.

14 Ways to Organize a Messy Closet

Whether you're organizing your closet for the first time or need to make even more space, these tips will help keep your clothing neat and easy-to-access.

End Potato Prejudice: 10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Potatoes

Potatoes have gotten a rep as starchy and fattening. But recent studies suggest potatoes may contribute to weight loss, and they're as inexpensive and full of nutrition as ever.

25+ Secrets to Keep Your Clothes Brighter, Whiter, and Lasting Longer

You can keep your timeless classics looking timeless and classic — just follow these simple laundry tricks.

How to Not Be a Wage Slave

Many of us make decisions that tie us to our jobs. But, one author argues, if we make the right choices, that's not the way it has to be.

Why is Gasoline So Cheap? A Cost Comparison of 40 Common Household Liquids

Do you know which is more expensive: one gallon of gasoline or one gallon of orange juice? How about one gallon of glue? Read on for a comparison of the price gasoline and other f

Is MagicJack a Scam?

MagicJack is a device that claims to offer unlimited local and long distance calling for just $20/year. Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? I decided to dig around for myself.