Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

4 Important Ways College Students Should Use Credit Cards

These are powerful ways students can use credit cards for their benefit while still avoiding debt.

How Reliving Past Money Mistakes Hurts Your Financial Future

We've all made money misjudgements in the past. Don't make another mistake reliving them in the present.

How to Build Financial Stability After Divorce

Finding your financial footing after a divorce is not easy, but you can do it.

Yes, Affordable Family Travel Is Possible

Frugal family travel is possible with the right attitude, but you need to be strategic.

Don't Ruin an Antique! How to Tell If You Should Refinish Wooden Furniture

Refinishing your grandmother's old dresser might be a terrible idea. Learn when you should refinish wood furniture, and when you should use a professional.

6 Ways to Haggle Your Way to Cheaper Rent

If you love the apartment, but not the price, learn how to negotiate with the landlord and find the price that's right for both of you.

Best Credit Cards that Give Back to Charity

Credit cards that give back allow you to donate and support your favorite charities and organizations.

6 Ways You Can Cut Costs Right Before You Retire

With retirement right around the corner, it's more important than ever to start cutting your daily living costs. You'll thank yourself later.

How to Protect Yourself Financially During a Divorce or Separation

The price tag on divorce is sky-high. Save yourself from further financial fallout by protecting your money.

15 Things in Your Closet You Can Throw Out Today

Closet space comes at a premium — everything you store should fit, look great, and make you feel great. If not, toss it, sell it, or give it away.

Got a Problem? Why You Should Figure It Out Yourself

With the Internet and other resources, it can be easy to solve problems without actual problem solving. Learn why you should do things the hard way.

5 Affordable Caribbean Cruise Ports for Families

Cruise excursions can be expensive extras to your all-inclusive cruise. These popular ports of call offer great value for cruising families.

Non-financial investments

Talk about investments and most people think stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, plus maybe real estate and commodities like precious metals. Let's call those "financial inve

Does living frugally hurt the economy?

When I advocate for frugal living, people sometimes ask, "What if everybody lived like that?  Wouldn't it hurt the economy?"  My natural inclination toward frugal liv

6 Things You'll Encounter When Taking Over a Loved One's Finances

Chances are most of us will eventually have to manage our parents' money. It's not as easy as it looks.

How to Spend Less On Last-Minute Holiday Travel

You don't need to empty your bank account just to get out of town for the holidays.

6 Times You Need to Update Your Will

If you have a will, you're already ahead of the curve. But you need to make sure it's updated, too.

5 Times You Should Avoid Confronting a Coworker

We all know one — that coworker who's on your very last nerve. Here's when to just to walk away.

5 Money Mistakes to Stop Making by 50

By your 50s, you should have a solid grasp on personal finance — and if not, it might be due to these all-too-common mistakes.

Wal-Mart Celebrates Its Own Green Efforts with Free Reusable Shopping Bags

Wal-Mart gets its fair share of negative press. However, a recent article in the new National Geographic’s Green Guide magazine really had me t