Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Delicious Ways to Prepare Affordable White Fish

Fish has plenty of protein and fewer calories than other meats — plus it's easy on the budget. Discover delicious ways to prepare frugal white fish.

Why Savings Account Interest Rates Are So Low

Five or six years ago it was easy to find a savings account that paid 4% or 5%. Today, 1% or less is the norm. What happened?

The Buy-Nothing Lifestyle: Lessons from a Frugal Experiment

Ready to drastically cut your spending? Learn what it's like from these folks who challenged themselves to buy nothing for a month — or longer.

5 Affordable Vacations to Please Every Age Group

Learn about the best and most affordable vacation options for group trips and multi-generational families.

21 Unexpected Items You Should Always Pack in Your Carry-On

Experienced travelers know what to bring and what to leave behind — or do they? These little extras make getting there almost enjoyable.

Tips For Using Hotel Reward Points to Get the Most Value

Make sure you're getting the most value when redeeming your hotel reward points.

19 Fun, Cheap Projects to Try This Weekend

No plans this weekend? Try these fun and cheap weekend projects.

How Much Should You Spend on a New Car?

If you're looking for a new car, use this simple rule to put yourself in the driver's seat while remaining in control of your car expenses.

10 Steps to Update Your Look on a Budget

Have nothing to wear? Use this simple plan to update your wardrobe without breaking the bank.

The Awesome Art of Getting Great Deals Online

This is a lovely guide to getting the most out of your consumer purchases on the Internet.

This Email Trick Will Save You Big on Shopping

Finally, a smart way to declutter your inbox and save a boat load of money.

The High Cost of Planning for the End of the World

Prepping for the end of the world covers all the bases — except for how much it'll cost you while the world still turns.

6 Money-Saving Items to Bring On Your Next Cruise

Cruising is an affordable way to travel, but you could save even more if you pack the right gear.

Flashback Friday: Our 61 Best Home Improvement Hacks Ever

Giving your home a makeover can be expensive. But with our 61 brilliant home improvement hacks, your house will sparkle and your budget will survive.

7 ways to spot a social media snake oil salesperson

Sure, you'd like to boost your online presence and make money on the Internet. But just like pyramid schemes attract the greedy and fad diets interest the desperate, many social me

Do You Know How Dirty Your Money Is?

You use money often, but have you ever considered what kinds of nasty bacteria are living on its surface? The answer is not for the squeamish.

The Fair Way to Split Up Your Family's Estate

A rock-solid will isn't only for your peace of mind — it's for your heirs' peace of mind, too.

15 Fantastic Chalkboard Paint Projects

From party favors to fridge and pantry organizers, these chalkboard paint projects will spiff up your space, and help you remember what's in it!

12 Foods Nutritionists Say You Should Splurge On

We don't often encourage you to spend more at the grocery store, but if your budget allows, consider adding these superfoods to your grocery list.

Why Your Big New Year's Resolutions Are Pointless

Forget about your resolutions; there's no point in making them. Okay, that might be harsh...but they're not a good way to make life changes. Learn why.