Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

4 Reasons Early Retirement Might Be Financially Risky

So many of us dream of early retirement, but it comes at a price — often your nest egg. Can you afford to stop working early?

This Simple Calculation Will Tell You If You're Getting Your Money's Worth

"Use value" can help you get the most bang for your buck. And it'll probably save you a few bucks, too.

6 Surprising Sources of Celeb Income

For A, B, and C List celebs, the money from performances and recordings is just the beginning of the revenue stream. Find out how else fame pays.

How Long Can You Really Live on Unemployment?

If you lost your job, could you afford to get by on unemployment benefits alone? It might be time to beef up that emergency fund.

5 Reasons Getting Rich Quick Is Unlikely and Always Will Be

If getting rich quick was easy, we'd all be doing it.

25 Purchases You'll Never Regret

Buyer's remorse usually follows close behind the purchases you make — especially big ones. But for these buys, know that you've done the right thing.

12 Reasons Your Debt Isn't Diminishing

Uh oh — your debt burden has hardly budged from your initial starting balance. What are you doing wrong?

5 Incredible Places to Retire Abroad That Anyone Can Afford

For retirees looking to stretch their savings — and satisfy their wanderlust — these five nations are attractive retirement options.

9 Personal Things You Should Never Text or Email

Before you put all your trust in the Cloud, maybe reconsider sending any of these things over text or email.

14 Cool Uses for a Blender

Everyone's got one tucked away in some kitchen cabinet. If you're not getting enough mileage out of your blender, check out these 14 great uses.

Why I Love Gift Cards: 5 Reasons Gift Cards Make Perfect Holiday Gifts

Gift cards get a bad rap, but it's mostly unwarranted. Learn why gift cards might be one of the best presents you can give.

6 Parts Every Successful Budget Needs

No two budgets are the same, but most successful budgets have these key components in common.

6 Ways to Haggle Your Way to Cheaper Rent

If you love the apartment, but not the price, learn how to negotiate with the landlord and find the price that's right for both of you.

Waste Not, Want Not: Turning Waste Into Savings

If you can adjust your daily habits in some very minor ways, you can start saving some extra cash each month. Here is a list of ideas you can implement immediately around the house

How to Conserve Water by Harvesting Rain or Snow

Recently rainwater harvesting is becoming more popular in America and states such as Arizona and New Mexico are adopting laws that mandate the practice for new buildings. Here are

One Talent, Multiple Streams of Income

Wondering how to use creative talents to pay the bills now and build for retirement later? Last week, I spoke with Texas wildflower artist Linda Calvert Jacobson about what works f

Recoup More of Your Investment: 8 Home Improvements That Add the Most Value

If you're planning a remodel, be sure to consider return on investment when you sell. These eight improvements return the most.

4 Ways to Make Money Doing Household Chores

Looking for a side gig that doesn't have hefty startup fees? You can make up to $25 an hour doing everyday household chores for other people.

6 Fun Games That Teach Your Kids About Money

Teaching your children financial literacy is as easy as playing a game.

7 Added Costs That Come With a Bigger House

Bigger isn't always better, but when it comes to houses, it's usually more expensive.