Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Favorite Holiday Memory?

Tell us about your favorite holiday memory and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 08/22

Today's great deals include 40% off women's jeans, women's flats under $100, 40% off DEWALT heated jackets, and more!

3 Survival Instincts That Harm Investors

Following the herd was a good survival strategy for our subsistence ancestors. Today it's a good way to get your investment funds trampled.

Recession Journal Part I: 'Fast' Money in the '09

Forget about the fact that it's a recession. What you do now determines where you will be when the graph trends up again. What if you stopped dropping duckets like you dropped weig

Master Your Life and Stop Self-Sabotage (Book Review)

You almost get that job promotion you yearn so badly for, but things fall through at the last minute. Every time your love life gets serious, the relationship blows apart. You woul

Placing Prepositions: Where you from? Where you at?

Our spending and money management choices may be influenced by factors we can't control in our own minds as well as factors we couldn't control growing up. You may ask, to what are

Best Money Tips: Tips To Save Money That Will Blow Your Mind

Today we found some awesome articles on tips to save money that will blow your mind, choosing keywords for your resume, and creating a basic retirement plan.

SavedPlus Giving Away $3,000 to Wise Bread Readers

Get $20 just for trying out this free tool and chance to win $1,000.

5 Great Money Lessons I Learned From My Immigrant Parents

Chinese households save 30% of their disposable income (compared to 6% for Americans). Want to know our secret?

Best Money Tips: Swine Flu Free Zone

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup! This week's articles look at defining assets, assessing China, having children, the recession, more recession, but guess what? N

Too Good to Be True? How Trader Joe's Sells Affordable Goods

Trader Joe's fans love the store, and with good reason. But how do they manage to keep all of those great products so cheap?

Best Money Tips: Hidden Costs That Can Derail Your Budget Travel Plans

Today we found articles on hidden costs that can break your travel budget, emergency preparedness tips for first-time renters, and ways to turn unwanted wedding gifts into cash.

How I Averted an Emotional Spending Binge: My Six-Step Program

When you're tired or feeling blue it is easy to fall prey to emotional spending. Here's my six-point strategy for avoiding frivolous spending when you are at your most vulnerable.

4 Reasons Why You Don't Have Financial Common Sense (and How to Get It)

Personal finance isn't that complicated — spend less than you earn and save for emergencies and future goals. So why do so many of us struggle with it?

5 Personal Finance Lessons From “The Hobbit”

You won't find an ATM in Smaug's lair, but you will find some pearls of financial wisdom scattered about the Lonely Mountain and Middle Earth.

Live Abroad for Less (Also at Home)

All but one of the "live abroad for less" ideas are just as applicable to frugal living in your home country.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 1/26, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Shopping Habits! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Best Money Tips: Getting Credit for Your Work

Today, we share tips on making sure you receive credit where it's due, getting work done in holiday-filled December, choosing and using a babysitter, and more!

Best Money Tips: Stand Out! (And Avoid Layoffs)

Today, we share ways to stand out at your job, travel tips for those with health issues, green gift wrap ideas, and more!

Eliminate Failed New Year's Resolutions with 3 Simple Steps

Want to succeed in your New Year's resolutions? Follow these three steps to keep yourself on target.