Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: 80+ Delicious Meals for $5 or Less

Today we found articles on amazing meals that you can make for under $5, germ magnets that need spring cleaning now, and tips to help you decide whether to rent or buy.

Meet Meg Favreau, Our Senior Editor

Frugal living is a lot like eating food, and not just because I love both things.

So You Wanna Be a Travel Writer?

I learned the realities of travel writing from hard-earned experience, but these tips from Tim Leffel's book could help you get ahead of the curve.

Wise Bread Reloaded: Is Eating More Produce the Secret to Happiness and Wellbeing?

Fruits and vegetables are good for your mental health, too. Learn why and how you can eat more of them.

Best Money Tips: How to Get Along With Anyone

Today we found some excellent articles on how to get along with anyone, tried-and-true frugal living tips, and last-minute Halloween savings.

Best Money Tips: Surprising Ways to Save on Groceries

Today we found some awesome articles on surprising ways to save on groceries, money myths debunked by experts, and reminders that’ll change how you think.

Best Money Tips: How to Save Money on School Supplies

Today we found articles on ways to save on school supplies, how to avoid overspending on upsells, and what to do if your brakes go out.

How to Staff Customer Service for an Ecommerce Business

What should trigger the decision to hire (or designate) an employee dedicated to customer service? If you're running an ecommerce business, your company can benefit from the

The Alarming Thing I Didn't Know About My Mammogram

An annual mammogram may not pick up cancer due to a surprisingly common condition. A Wise Bread blogger shares her story.

4 Signs It's Time to Find a New Savings Account

If you have a savings account, you're on your way to increasing net worth. But not all savings accounts are worthy of your money.

Should You Lend to Friends and Family?

Lending money to friends or family is a generous thing to do, but it can also strain on your relationship. Read this to help decide whether or not you should.

Why Small Businesses Should Pursue Free Trade

Recent free trade agreements have opened up new markets for American business, including small business. Here's how to get started.

5 Financial Pitfalls Stay-at-Home Parents Should Avoid

Staying home to raise little ones is often rewarding, but it comes at a financial price. Make sure you do it right!

4 Ways to Inject Cash into Your Business

Banks and other outside investors aren't the only sources of additional cash to grow your business.

Best Money Tips: Spring Cleaning Tips

Today we found some great articles on spring cleaning tips, financial lessons from The Hunger Games, and commonly missed tax deductions.

Healthcare 2.0: Websites to Help You Save on Doctors, Dentists, and More

Being without health insurance can be terrifying — and it's a growing problem. These resources can help you find coverage for less.

How Less Creativity Can Make You More Creative

Feel like you're out of mental energy by the time you find time for creative work? Here's how to save your energy for your passions.

Resisting the impulse beauty buy

Are you an impulse beauty shopper? [more]

29 Ways to Prevent Visiting the Doctor

Sure, an apple a day "keeps the doctor away." But there many other easy, fun, and money-saving things that you can do to prevent unnecessary visits.

Ouch! 5 Ways to Make Paying for the Dentist Less Painful

Going to the dentist is unpleasant enough — don't make it worse by skipping some easy to reach savings.