Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Flavorful Foods Worth Splurging On

It's smart to cut costs in the kitchen and pantry with discount staples. Boost their flavor (and mealtime enjoyment) with a few pricier, higher quality ingredients.

Living a Life of Weisure?

Blurring the lines between our personal and professional lives has its pros and cons.

10 Tips To Lower The Cost of Banking

When shopping for a money market savings account or other bank products, I don't believe it should be all about the yield. You should also be aware of how much it costs to bank wit

9 Great Jobs for Snowbirds

You can still fly south for the winter and make the same amount of money. Just choose any of these jobs.

Can Reinvesting Dividends Really Save You on Taxes?

If you're reinvesting your dividends, you may be shortchanging Uncle Sam. Here's what you need to know about dividends and taxes.

The 15 Coolest Silicon Valley Job Perks You Wish You Had

Chances are your employer isn't half as generous as these famous tech sector companies. Free lunch is just the beginning.

Pet Peeves Part 3: Vet Visits

My animals are a pricey bunch. Cute, and sweet, but medically challenged. [more]

10 Killer Ways to Feel Like a Million Bucks (Even If Your Bank Account Says Otherwise)

There are plenty of studies tying health to wealth (and vice versa), on a national and a personal level. Rest assured, though, this isn't The Secret. Instead, here are some tried a

FREE bowling balls - just pay shipping

A quick deal for you everyone. I'm not sure how bad or good your bowling is, but mine is rotten. I don't blame the balls, I blame myself for not doing it often enough. Oh,

Frugal Factors: What Traits Do Most Savers Share?

We're all individuals, each with our own reasons for living frugally — but we're alike in some very important ways.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Speed Reading: A Book Review

For many, time is money, and so it shouldn’t surprise me that there is now an official guide on how to read more in less time. I had always been curious about the science of speed

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Homemade Gluten-Free Noodles

You don't have to give up noodles when you're gluten-free. This simple and delicious homemade gluten-free noodle recipe will have all your gluten-grubbing friends asking for second

9 College Expenses You Aren't Saving For

Tuition? Check. Books? Check. These other hidden costs of your child's college education and experience? ...Uh oh.

The 5 Best Cheese Graters

If you want perfectly shredded or grated cheese, you're going to need a proper grater. These cheese graters will make your cheddar so much better.

14 Dorm Essentials That Make Student Life Easier

Make on-campus living tolerable with these dorm must-haves. Best of all? You won't need another student loan to pay for them.

15 Veggie Noodle Dishes That Will Make You Forget About Pasta

If you love pasta but hate the carbs, these veggie noodle dishes are just what you've been looking for.

7 Surprising Facts About Roth IRAs

A lot of people think Roth IRAs are just another retirement vehicle. Yes — and they're also one of the most flexible options available.

5 Alternatives to Charging Your Medical Bills

Before reaching for your credit card, make sure you check out other effective ways to pay off your medical bills.

20 Frugal Ways to Brighten Your Spouse's Day

You don't have to wine and dine your partner to show your love. Instead, try these inexpensive ways to express how you feel.

How to Host an Awesome Frugal Movie Night

Skip that expensive movie theater trip. Instead, follow these suggestions to host a great movie night at home, featuring comfy seating and amazing snacks.