Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Do You Really Need “Soft” Water?

Water is a necessity. Soft water may not be. Depending on where you live and how you use water, the cost of processing your water may not be worth it.

Asset Allocation for All Markets

Achieving the right asset allocation can be like groping around in the dark (and not in a fun kind of way!) if you don’t know where to begin. This article will help you to determin

7 Money Moves to Make as Soon as You Conquer Debt

Congratulations, you're out of the red! Now it's time to start making your money work hard for you, too.

How to Buy and Prepare Fresh Fish

Learn how to choose the freshest fish and add this delicious and healthy protein to your diet.

6 Ways to Make a Snowbird Retirement Affordable

So you want to pack your bags and spend the cold winter months of your retirement somewhere warm? Here's how to do it on a budget.

The case for caloric labeling

As a conscientious consumer, you have a right to know what you're buying, eating, or wearing. New York City is enforcing a law that requires chain restaurants to provide nutrit

10 Reasons You Probably Overpaid at the Store

You can be the smartest shopper around and still end up overpaying for everyday things. Here's how you're getting tripped up.

Move Over Weight Watchers, the New Pyramid is Here!

I would never dismiss any dieting or nutrition program that really works, and my goal is not to discredit commercial o

The Upside of Down

As we watch the markets sink and gyrate, it's a scary time. There's talk of a major recession. While the downsides of a downturn are obvious and very real -- lost work, lost invest

DIY Plastic Surgery: This Is Not A Hoax.

I do a lot of research on the Internet for information about home-made solutions to everyday problems. In fact, I'll be posting one soon that covers recipes for home-made car wax,

9 Great Cities for Job Seekers

Looking for a job? Move to one of these awesome cities that have low unemployment and lots of other great perks.

8 Frugal Destinations for a Dreamy Winter Getaway

Those first few flecks are wonderful, but snow gets cold and miserable fast. Escape the chill in these sunny locales that won't scorch your budget.

25 Fun, Frugal Things to Do Tonight Besides Watch TV

Get up offa that couch, switch off the TV, and spend some quality time tonight with your family or your finances or your favorite loyal friend.

6 Ways to Be a Better Friend Without Any Effort

We'd all like to be better friends — and we should be. Keep your friends close with some simple relationship builders.

4 Times You Should Splurge and Hire a Pro

You probably already hire a pro when it comes to plumbing and dentistry. Here are four common DIY tasks you probably should hire out for, too.

How to Throw a Fabulously Frugal Bachelorette Party

Help a bride-to-be celebrate her last single days without draining the last few dollars out of your bank account. Learn how with these fun and fabulous tips.

6 Tips to Shrink Your Bills Every Year

An annual bill audit can help you ensure that you're not paying for things you don't need. Follow these steps to slash your regular costs.

Don't Forget to Budget for These Unexpected Moving Expenses

Whether across the town or across the country, moving has tons of expenses. Don't get blindsided by these surprise costs.

The 5 Best Coffee Grinders

The best way to get fresh, coffee-shop quality java at home is to grind your own beans. Make it happen with one of these great grinders.

What's a Split Credit Report - And How Much Is It Hurting Your Score

If your three credit reports don't seem to align, you may have a fragmented report. Here's how to fix it.