Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Small, Cheap Steps to Weight Loss

If you prefer baby steps to great strides, try these tips and tricks for cutting calories from your diet and burning off some extra pounds.

12 Times You're Better Off Without a Promotion

You're working hard — and smart — and the boss has noticed. Do you take the promotion? Or do you keep the job you're happy with?

How to Build Financial Stability After Divorce

Finding your financial footing after a divorce is not easy, but you can do it.

Stuff We Love: Comfortable, Stylish Clarks Dress Shoes for Men

You won't confuse a pair of Clarks for a pair of Brunos. But then, a pair of Clarks won't drain your bank account and leave you footsore at the end of the day, either.

What Is Private Mortgage Insurance, Anyway?

That little acronym — PMI — pops up quite a bit for new homeowners. Here's what it is, and how much it may cost you.

What to Do If Your Balance Transfer Limit Is Too Low

A 0% balance transfer offer can be a great way to tackle high-interest credit card debt. But what if the offer doesn't cover all your debt?

5 Affordable Caribbean Cruise Ports for Families

Cruise excursions can be expensive extras to your all-inclusive cruise. These popular ports of call offer great value for cruising families.

Best Money Tips: 10 Steps to Financial Freedom After College

Today we found articles on the steps to financial freedom after college, little changes that will make you happier, and a look at how much you should spend on a house.

8 Nifty Tips for Getting the Most from an All-You-Can Eat Buffet

I’m no promoter of gluttony, and I would never recommend stuffing yourself for the sake of stuffing yourself. However, as a mother of 4 growing kids who only eat out once or twice

10 Foods With the Most Bang for Your Buck

It's easy to buy a lot of calories for little (just eat junk food). Guess what? It's also easy to buy a lot of nutrition for a little money.

How to Sign Up for Health Care in 2018

Open enrollment to buy health insurance through the ACA starts on November 1. Here's what you need to know this year.

5 Times You Should Avoid Confronting a Coworker

We all know one — that coworker who's on your very last nerve. Here's when to just to walk away.

The Best Secured Credit Cards with Low Minimum Deposit

One of the disadvantages of secured credit cards is having to leave a security deposit for as long as you have the card. These cards require the lowest minimum deposit.

Seller Funded Down Payment Assistance Charities - Scammers or Saints?

The United States House of Representatives just passed a massive mortgage bailout bill that includes many changes to the Federal Housing Administration and the Government Sponsored

7 Online Workout Videos for Free or Cheap

If you can reach the Internet, you can get a great workout, led by an expert, for little or no cost. Try these channels that get your sweat on.

10 Ways to Save Money When You Are Unemployed

It's always good to be mindful about spending, but for the unemployed, an abstract should is a real world must. Here's how to cut back, fast.

The 5 Best Facial Cleansing Wipes

Keeping your skin clear when you regularly wear makeup isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these facial cleansing wipes and your face will always look fab.

12 Ideas for Cheap, Festive, Fall Decor

Fall has… fallen again... and that means festive decor. Make your home fit for the season with these fun, frugal fall projects.

Impulse Shopping: A Controllable Handicap

A friend of mine has a pathological weakness for impulse shopping. But using the techniques outlined here, she dug herself out of debt and into impulse shopping bliss.

Can You Buy Your Way Out of the Rat Race?

If you're tracking your spending, you know how much money it takes to live on. If you're tracking your investments, you know about how much return you're getting from your capital.