Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Ways to Avoid Sneaky Online Price Changes

Don't let "dynamic pricing" steal your deal. Keep an eye out for sneaky ways online retailers (legally!) overcharge their customers.

Best Money Tips: How to Boost Your Wi-Fi Signal at Home

Today we found articles on ways to boost your Wi-Fi signal at home, money-saving tips for your next backpacking trip, and ways to stay accountable to your health and fitness goals.

What to Eat Every Day: A Month of Frugal Meals

Planning ahead and cooking at home are two of the best ways to save money. Do both with this guide to one month of tasty, frugal meals.

4 Things You Should Make Your Adult Child Pay For

The transition to adulthood is financially tricky. That doesn't mean parents should be bailing out their kids' every bill.

The 5 Best Women’s Rain Boots

Keeping your feet warm and dry on a rainy day isn't easy, but it can be. Get any of these women's rain boots and your feet will stay toasty.

Conspicuous Spending: Fading to Black

In the black community and many other communities there is a sense that material possession and flair denotes character, accomplishment and power. It's a poor dad mentality and a

The Best Credit Cards for Hotel Deals and Rewards

Savvy travelers know how to stretch travel dollars even more with these hotel rewards credit cards.

The 5 Best Home Safes

Keeping your money and other valuables protected isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these home safes and your stuff will be safely tucked away from thieving hands.

14 Things Insurance Agents Don't Want You to Know

What your insurance agent isn't telling you could be costing you money. Here's what you need to know to insure your wallet.

15 Airport Hacks From Professional Travelers

From where to shower to skipping security lines, discover the best airport tricks and secrets from 10 of the world's most frequent (and frugal) travelers.

How the rich stay rich; a lesson in lateral thinking

A friend recently told me the story of how a millionaire thinks. Not every millionaire of course, just one in particular. It's ingenius, as you will discover. But it really mad

Ask the Readers: Do You Use Rideshare Apps?

Tell us whether you use rideshare apps and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Profit From China's Growing Upper Class — Even If You Don't Speak Chinese

China's population of millionaires is booming. Job opportunities for the rest of us are booming, too!

McCain or Obama? Who’ll be better for your wallet?

I want to keep this factual. This is not an article on who should be the next President, or as these campaigns usually go, who shouldn’t be President. This is a simple presentation

5 Ways to Make Money From Mother's Day

Turn Mother's Day into a moneymaker with a these clever income-earning ideas.

How to get rich by being evil

There are a lot of ways to become rich. Some people work hard and save their money. Some people win the lottery. Some people invent something wonderfully useful. An awful lot o

DO NOT buy a digital camera online until you read this.

Wisebread readers, take note. This is not just a case of buyer beware. [more]

These 5 Apps Will Help You Finally Organize Your Money

Any one of these easy-to-use apps will help you start and keep a budget that works for you. What are you waiting for?

The Basics of Asset Allocation

Once beginning investors move beyond indexes and mutual funds, they start to hear about asset allocation. Learn the basics and how they apply to your investment decisions.

Getting Your Travel Rewards on the Ground

You've wrung every mile out of your frequent flyer program. Now wring every cent out of your other rewards programs for your hotel, rental car, and more.