Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

13 Simple Gardening Skills Anybody Can Master

Having a green thumb is not only a great skill to have — it can also save you big bucks!

The Best 10 Items to Borrow

Sharing seldom-used items among friends and neighbors is a great (and earth-friendly!) tactic for saving money. Here are the best things to borrow, not buy.

101 Tax deductions for bloggers and freelancers

Anyone here like doing taxes? Didn’t think so. We all have to do them; we all have to pay money to Uncle Sam (although some get away with paying much less than others). But as

No Money for a Week? Here’s What to Do.

Don't have a nickle to your name? Time to buckle down for a week and weather the storm. Here's how to survive it — and make sure it doesn't happen again.

9 Must-Have Items You Need to Create the Perfect Remote Office

Working from anywhere in the world is a freelancer's dream, but in order to make it a reality, you need the right office items.

The 5 Best Rain Jackets for Women

Keeping your clothes from getting wet on a rainy day isn't easy, but it can be. Just wear any of these rain jackets and your clothes will stay dry.

7 College Courses That Will Boost Your Career

If you want to kick-start a career, you'll need skills. These college elective courses will make you smarter — and more hirable.

How I've Scored Free Travel for 5 Years Straight

I haven't paid for hotels or flights in over five years, and I've traveled all over the world. Here's my secret.

The 5 Best Stay-At-Home Fitness Essentials

With local gyms and parks closed, you'll need to get creative if you want to maintain your regular workouts. Luckily, a few key items will help you set up the perfect home gym.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Love Most About Your Job?

Tell us what you like most about your job and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Ways to Minimize Baggage Fees When Flying

Since airlines started charging for checked bags the cost of travel continues to increase. However, the traveling public can minimize baggage fees with these tips.

5 Bodily Fluids You Can Exchange for Cash

If you're fit and healthy and don't mind some hassle and probing questions, you can earn extra income selling little vials of medical grade you.

How to Pay Off Holiday Debt: A Step-by-Step Guide

Did Christmas leave you in the red? Don't worry, this step-by-step guide will help you climb out of that hole.

How Credit Cards Protect Your Purchases From Damage or Theft

You loved your fab new camera until your kid broke it. Check the fine print on your credit card account — you may be eligible for a free replacement.

Clear Out That Clutter: 15 Places to Sell Your Stuff

Get rid of your old stuff, and make money too! No matter what you want to sell, find out where you can get rid of it — and get cash.

7 Common Travel Myths That People Need to Stop Believing

You've always wanted to travel more, but you worry about the cost or the risks or the inconvenience. Good news -- your worries are probably unfounded.

4 Airlines With the Cheapest First Class Seats

With these airlines, you can travel in first-class style without a first-class price tag.

Best Money Tips: 5 Ways to Get in "The Zone"

Today we found articles on ways to get in the zone, how to maximize Social Security benefits, and housekeeping tips for the domestically challenged.

8 Travel Warnings You Shouldn't Ignore

When was the last time you took notice of a travel advisory before you took a trip? It could be extremely dangerous to ignore them.

22 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda

Most of us know that soda isn't good for us, but that doesn't mean we stop drinking it. Here are 22 financial, health, and other reasons to kick the habit.