Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Personal or Business? Parameters for Choosing a Credit Card

If you own a business, and would like to enjoy the benefits of a business card, there are a few considerations you may want to be aware of.

38 Ways to Save Money Without Trying (Much)

A penny saved is a penny earned. Do it over and over and over again and you're talking some serious saving!

8 Ways to Improve Your Career, Get Ahead, and Become Upwardly Mobile

Wanna get ahead? Wanting is just the beginning — these are the steps to take to actually start moving up.

9 Careers You Don't Need a Ton of Experience to Start

Want a career that offers a living wage, but doesn't require a bunch of experience or education? You may find the perfect job in this list.

Don't Have Enough To Pay Your Taxes?

What do you do when you finally get all of your information together to file your income taxes, and you find out you actually have to pay taxes?! For people who don't have enough m

Want to Cut Costs on Your Next Vacation? Go Green

Greener travel shaves costs and it brings tourists closer than ever to their destination. Lighten your carbon footprint with these simple steps.

The 5 Worst Things to Grow in Your Garden

A vegetable garden can be a great way to cut food costs — just don't try growing these high maintenance veggies.

7 Super Splurges of the Rich and Famous

Celebrities understandably have lots of money to spend, but these pricey purchases are difficult to comprehend.

The One Question You Should Ask Before Every Major Purchase

Before you drop big bucks on a purchase, there's one question you should always ask yourself.

The 15 Worst Cities for Frugal People

These 15 international cities are renowned for their culture, vitality, and energy. They're also really, really expensive places to live.

5 Ways Newlyweds Screw Up Money Management

Marriage isn't just a joining of two people who love each other, it's also a joining of their finances. Avoid these mistakes to make sure you achieve fiscal bliss.

Best Money Tips: How to Buy and Sell Anything Online

Today we found articles on how to buy and sell anything online, businesses you can start without any money, and how to build a bank account firewall.

Can a Failed Marriage Lead to Business Failure?

Many happily married business owners avoid thinking about what happens to the firm if the marriage dissolves. But waiting 'til the end may mean parting ways with the company, too.

7 DIY Kitchen Skills That Will Save You Money

You can buy chicken already cut up, but you can do it yourself for way less money. Learn that and six other easy, money-saving kitchen skills.

Easter Eggs Aren't Only For Easter

Easter Eggs -- inside jokes, hidden messages, secret bonuses -- reward customers who pay attention to your products and services. They reward you by coming back for more.

Best Money Tips: Tips for an Ultra-Productive Day

Today we found some great articles on tips to have an ultra-productive day, how to free up space on your iPhone, and amazing ways to save money at Target.

Get Help With Your Underwater Bank of America Mortgage

Bank of America is forgiving up to $100,000 in mortgage principal for select borrowers. Find out if you qualify for this new program.

Free movie rental from Hollywood Video

This deal is about as simple as they get. So grab a bag or two of your favorite popcorn, browse through the aisles of your local Hollywood Video and pick up a video rental on the h

47 Unique Gift Ideas for Women

Choosing the perfect gift isn't always easy. Find your giftee something great with some tips on where to look and where to find inspiration.

4 Ways Being a Safe Driver Will Save You Big Money

As if you needed another reason to be a safe driver, it'll save you big bucks, too.