Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Seller Funded Down Payment Assistance Charities - Scammers or Saints?

The United States House of Representatives just passed a massive mortgage bailout bill that includes many changes to the Federal Housing Administration and the Government Sponsored

10 Ways to Improve Your Decision-Making Skills

Whether it's something as big as a career move or as small as what you're having for dinner, follow these tips to help make great decisions.

Christmas Club Accounts: Are They Worth It?

Looking for ways to afford the holiday shopping tab this year? Join the club — literally!

How Low Can You Go? Taking the No Heat Challenge

Most of us aren't ready to give up home heating altogether, but here are a few tricks we can learn from the hardcore heat resisters.

Kick-Ass Alternatives to Canned Cranberry Sauce

Canned cranberry sauce is lame. Here are six ways to shine up that holiday staple, from chutney to booze-spiked berries to tart-cherry sauce.

5 Ways to Make Passive Income Online

From ebooks to advertising, the internet is your go-to place for creating passive income streams.

Yes, You Can Pay for Education With an IRA

There's more than one way to help pay for college. This little known tip could save you from taking out student loans.

8 Money-Saving Hacks for Those Who Hate Cooking

Don't let your disdain for cooking keep you from saving money. These easy meal hacks will make food prep a breeze.

Stop! Don't Make These 6 Dumb Mistakes With Your Financial Windfall

We all dream about scoring a big financial windfall — and all the great ways to spend it. If fortune does favor you, don't blow it!

7 Ways to Bounce Back After You Miss a Credit Card Payoff Goal

Discouraged because you didn't meet a credit card payoff goal? Don't get down on yourself — get back to bringing those balances down.

The Key to Happiness: A Case Study

Let's explore the lives of two very different people with an aim to discover what the key to happiness is. It may be simpler than you think.

The Overdraft Protection Racket: Why Banks Want You To Overdraw, And How You Can Get Your Money Back.

I know banks are hurting for money right now, but no more than the rest of us. And one aspect of modern banking that I find most disturbing is how banks allow you to go overdrawn s

4 Questions to Ask Before Getting a Credit Increase

Before you ask your credit card provider for a limit increase, take the time to ask yourself a few questions, too.

5 Signs That Your Credit Card Spending Is Out of Control

Credit cards can dominate your life (and ruin your budget) if you're not careful. Use these 5 warning signs to make sure you stay on top of your spending habits.

25 Great Gifts for $5 or Less

Need some non-crafty, hardly homemade gift ideas, all for less than $5? Here are 25 with something suitable for nearly everyone on your gift list.

Save Time and Money With a Monthly Assembly (or Bulk) Cooking Weekend

Imagine all your weekday meals prepped and ready after your commute — and still homemade and frugal. Make it real with your own home-cooking assembly line.

The line between frugal and crazy

You don't have to go very far down the path of being frugal to reach the point where people start questioning your sanity. (You bicycle to work? Even though you have a perfec

10 Ways to Get the Most Out of a Home Warranty

Hot water heater on the fritz? Your home warranty can help with that...if you follow a few simple guidelines.

Voluntary Slavery

Discover one writer's take on why the "voluntary slavery" of our personal financial situations can keep us from acting in our best interest.

How a Family of 4 Can See Italy for $1,000 or Less

Italy is home to beautiful views and sought-after experiences, but it's also expensive to reach. This guide can help you see this amazing destination for $1,000 or less.