Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

These Apps Turn Saving Money Into a Game — Are They Worth It?

These apps promise to gamify your savings and investing, but is gamification really the key to better finances?

The 7 Laws of Negotiation

Over the past couple of decades, I’ve distilled successful negotiating down to seven key principles.

How to Budget When You're No Longer Broke

You went from barely making ends meet to being flush with cash. Don't abandon your broke budget!

5 Lucrative Climate Change Investments That Can Help Save the World

Can you save the environment and take care of your personal finances at the same time? Yes, you can. Here's how.

How Job-Hoppers Can Keep Up With Their Retirement Savings

Job hopping is now the norm in the working world. Make sure to take your retirement savings along for the ride.

5 Unexpected Side Benefits of Your Side Hustle

Making extra money on the side isn't only about the extra money — find out about the other perks that come with a side job.

9 Ways to Use Miles and Points for Holiday Gifts

Most people use their hard-earned credit card rewards for travel. Here's an idea: Why not give your budget a vacation from holiday shopping?

14 Pricey Things You Shouldn't Buy (And What to Get Instead)

If you've got caviar tastes and a fishstick budget, buy domestic. That and 13 other great cheap alternatives on the other side of the click.

5 Bedtime Routines of Famous Financial Gurus

From Bill Gates to Oprah, the world's most successful people have one surprising habit in common — a bedtime ritual.

8 Little Luxuries That Go a Long Way

From nice soap to good food to quality kitchen gear and more, a few small splurges are sometimes all you need to make your life feel utterly luxurious.

5-Day Debt Reduction Plan: Add It Up

It's Day Two of your plan to tackle debt reduction. Time to ditch the excuses, break out the calculator, and make a game plan.

25 Easy Ways to Make Someone Happy Today

Making other people happy is great! Here are some easy, low- or no-cost ways to bring a smile to someone else's face — and to yours.

How Living in a Hotel Can Be Surprisingly Affordable

Believe it or not, living in a hotel can be an affordable housing option.

20 Awesome Uses for Milk Crates

Milk crates are storage stalwarts because they're cheap and sturdy, but they can do so much more than just store books and LPs.

5 Sites That Will Pay for Your Old iPhone

If you want the new iPhone 7, but balk at the price tag, these five sites can help you get the most money for your old phone.

5 Sobering Facts About Social Security You Shouldn't Panic Over

Maybe you take Social Security for granted — or maybe you expect it to disappear. Either way, here's what you should know about it.

How to Make a Piggy Bank

Since I don't like being weighed down by these precious metals or the idea of losing them, I've started saving all of my loose coins in a do-it-yourself piggy bank.

25 Breakfast-For-Dinner Meals

Breakfast… for dinner? Go ahead, everyone does it, and you will more than once with these delicious recipes to choose from.

Dealing with Nasty Debt Collectors

You may (or may not) be delinquent with a debt payment, but debt collectors don’t have carte blanche with regards to how they can hustle the money from you. Some can be rude, make

10 Sites and Apps to Help You Track Your Spending and Stick to Your Budget

One of the best ways to manage a budget and control your money is to actively track spending. All of these apps and online tools make tracking your expenses easy.