Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Deal Fu: Inside the Culture of Obsessed Bargain Hunters, Part I

The media covers tragedies like Wal-Mart tramplings, but they've neglected thriving communities on the web who'll stop at nothing to get the deals they're delirious about. We're —

Focus Focus Fo....What Was I Saying?

We as a nation are looking at finances in a way we might not have ever done in the past. Having to analyze our bills, pay close attention to our usual spending habits, and learn th

Eat Dessert, Save!

Are you skipping dessert because it just costs too much, either in money, time, or calories? Skip no more! Read on for ideas to make dessert easy, affordable, and healthier than ev

Best Tips for First Time Home Buyers: Learn to Trust

I started out the home buying process by scouring the internet for information and hitting up the local library. I read 8 or 9 books and countless blogs and websites and still cou

5 Reasons to Stay Away From Penny Stocks

Don't let the get-rich tales of penny stocks fool you. More often than not, it's best to steer clear.

The 5 Best Air Purifiers

Clean air is surprisingly hard to come by, but with the help of one of these top air purifiers, you'll be sure to breathe easy in no time.

6 Natural and Effective Ways to Change Your Brain Chemistry and Be Happier

Winter got you down? Feel happier by tricking your brain with these secrets from chemistry and psychology.

Do What You Love: Idealistic Nonsense Or Good Advice?

"Do what you love" has always been the cheesiest advice you can give a young person, but can it really be solid advice? In anything you do, there's the struggle of between paying t

My 2016 Budget Challenge: How to Decide When to Sell Your House

Max is facing one of the biggest decisions in her budget challenge yet — should she sell her house? The decision is amusingly complex.

6 Grocery Purchases That Will Be Cheaper in 2017

We don't know exactly what 2017 will bring, but we do know that these grocery items will cost less!

A Simple Plan for Saving Up a $2000 Fun Fund

Whether you're planning for a wedding, vacation, or down payment on a home, these money-saving tricks will have you socking it away this year!

Guacamole, Wine, and 23 Other Surprisingly Refreshing Popsicle Recipes

Why settle for a fudgsicle when you can have a Sriracha-fudgsicle? Try that and a bunch more fun summertime popsicles.

The One Tool That Assures You Never Pay Too Much for Groceries

Don't just guess that an advertised price is a deal — track prices on frequent purchases over time so you know when a deal really is a deal.

How to Winterize Your Home for Maximum Savings

Winterize your home with simple repair and maintenance tasks to keep cost low and your home safe during the cold months of the year.

Best Money Tips: Steps to Make Sure You Buy the Right House

Today we found some amazing articles on buying the right house, maximizing your dollar at Subway, and creating work/life balance when your kids return to school.

Want to Be Happier? Work These 7 Magic Words into Your Vocabulary

The words we say and think have a strong influence over our moods and emotions. Harness their power to gain (and spread) more happiness in your life.

6 Things You Can Look Forward to When You Have Money

We always talk about trying to be financially free, but what happens once you reach that goal? Here are some of the advantages you can enjoy.

6 Foods Scientifically Proven to Increase Your Lifespan

You can extend your stay on this mortal coil by adding these lifespan lengtheners to your diet. Bonus? They're delicious, too.

How to Get Free Publicity

It's not enough to provide a great product or service people want or need. For a business to succeed, it has to be noticed. Here are six free ways to get the word out.

5 Office Habits to Keep When Working From Home

Bring your office routine home with you to keep the work in working from home.