Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Gen X Last-Minute-Get-Creative Xmas Present Alternative

Does nothing in the mall or your craft book seem like it will please the discerning taste of the Gen-Xer on your Christmas list? Don't want to spend a lot on them anyway? Consider

What you can do to aid the conversion to digital TV

The conversion from analog TV to digital TV was scheduled to happen on February 17th, but now it seems like it will be delayed due to various issues with the coupon program and gen

7 Ways My Clunker Is Smarter Than a Hybrid

Hybrid cars are all the rage, but keeping a "clunker" might be a better move, environmentally and financially.

7 Ways to Help Protect Your Financial Future From Unexpected Medical Expenses

Every 7 seconds a working-age American suffers a disabling injury that leaves him financially vulnerable. Are you prepared?

How to Host House Guests Without Going Crazy

The next time you have house guests, follow these suggestions to make the stay easier on both you and your guests.

Here's How Brexit Could Affect Your Travel Plans

With Britain planning to divorce the EU, many things are up in the air — including some of your travel plans.

Best Money Tips: 123 Ways to Save Money

Today we found some fantastic articles on 123 ways to save money, avoiding debt in the New Year, and toxic habits to drop.

Banish Stress: Easy Ways to Get Calm Now and Forever

The pressure's on! Learn how to relax and stay calm at crunchtime, and learn how to manage stress over the long haul to make crunchtime less frequent and intense.

Stupid Tax Return Mistakes That Will Get You Audited

Even if you're using tax preparation software or a service, you may find yourself caught in an audit if you commit any of these costly mistakes.

Get the Job You Want With the Right Professional Image

Who are you? Make sure everybody knows your story with these keys to personal brand development.

6 Grocery Purchases That Will Be Cheaper in 2017

We don't know exactly what 2017 will bring, but we do know that these grocery items will cost less!

A Simple Plan for Saving Up a $2000 Fun Fund

Whether you're planning for a wedding, vacation, or down payment on a home, these money-saving tricks will have you socking it away this year!

Guacamole, Wine, and 23 Other Surprisingly Refreshing Popsicle Recipes

Why settle for a fudgsicle when you can have a Sriracha-fudgsicle? Try that and a bunch more fun summertime popsicles.

The One Tool That Assures You Never Pay Too Much for Groceries

Don't just guess that an advertised price is a deal — track prices on frequent purchases over time so you know when a deal really is a deal.

Best Money Tips: Steps to Make Sure You Buy the Right House

Today we found some amazing articles on buying the right house, maximizing your dollar at Subway, and creating work/life balance when your kids return to school.

Want to Be Happier? Work These 7 Magic Words into Your Vocabulary

The words we say and think have a strong influence over our moods and emotions. Harness their power to gain (and spread) more happiness in your life.

6 Things You Can Look Forward to When You Have Money

We always talk about trying to be financially free, but what happens once you reach that goal? Here are some of the advantages you can enjoy.

6 Foods Scientifically Proven to Increase Your Lifespan

You can extend your stay on this mortal coil by adding these lifespan lengtheners to your diet. Bonus? They're delicious, too.

8 Money Moves You Can Make When We Turn the Clocks Back for Fall

When Daylight Saving Time ends, we'll all get an extra hour. Make the most of those 60 minutes with these smart money moves.

Escape Student Loan Debt — Slowly

If you have student loan debt you think you'll never be able to pay off, new rules might help substantially ease your burden.