Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Ways to Get the Most from Local Search

As internet search goes local small businesses have an opportunity to stand out on computer screens large and small.

10 Halloween Costumes Not To Wear To The Office

If your zombie costume bears too much resemblance to your boss, you may be shambling home early.

Best Money Tips: How to Sneak Exercise Into Your Day

Today we found articles on ways to get exercise while just going about your day, amazing upcycling ideas, and how to create money resolutions that work.

Business Plan Basics

I have a business and offer writing services so, on occasion, I have been asked to write business plans. Those making such requests are generally very eager, convinced of their

Save Your Retirement by Avoiding These 10 Risky Investments

You could get motion sickness from the ups and downs of these volatile stocks. Keep more of your money by steering clear of these investments.

Best Money Tips: Tax Deductions for Employees Who Work From Home

Today we found some great articles on tax deductions for employees who work from home, creating a spending plan, and what matters in matters of love and finance.

I Shouldn't Have to Pay for This! A Consumer's Guide to your Rights

If you buy something that stops working immediately and the seller refuses to refund your money, do you still have to pay for it?

Best Money Tips: Cheap Alternatives to Cable

Today we found some great articles on cheap alternatives to cable, tips to save money in the new year, and savings ideas for online shopping.

Best Money Tips: Improve Your Chances of Getting a Job

Today we found some stellar articles on ways to improve your chances of getting a job, investments for people in their 20s, and tips for taxpayer newbies.

A One Touch Approach To Managing Household Finances

Over the years I've implemented elaborate tickler systems, email reminders and various other ways to remind myself not to forget to pay a few paper bills. At some point they all f

8 Assets You Can Count on During Tough Times

When the going gets tough, the tough get going toward these eight dependable assets. What's backstopping your finances?

Is It the End of 6% Real Estate Commissions?

This week the Justice Department reached an antitrust settlement with the National Association of Realtors that is meant to spur competition and bring down the standard 6% commissi

Best Money Tips: Ways to Earn Some Extra Income

Today we found some great articles on ways to earn some extra income, making LinkedIn more useful in landing a job, and a different perspective on retirement.

Save Money by "Hypermiling" Your Air Conditioning

Summer isn't over yet, and neither is the summer heat. Keep your cool and your dollars a little longer by stretching your AC's chill as far as it will go.

Hang Up the Phone: Why Video Is the Best Way to Connect With People

Whether you're making a conference call for work or catching up with a friend across the country, discover why video chat is the best way to communicate.

Meet Wise Bread's Financial Planning Expert, Jeff Rose, CFP!

Meet Wise Bread's resident financial planning expert, Jeff Rose, CFP. Do you have a financial planning question? He's got your back!

Can You Save Money by Renting Textbooks?

When I went to college it was unheard of to rent textbooks, but a number of outfits such as Chegg, Campus Book Rentals, and have sprung up in the last few years that

Best Money Tips: Useful Things to Do With Your Tax Refund

Today we found some fantastic articles on useful things to do with your tax refund money, when renting makes more sense than buying, and reasons to use a cash-only spending plan.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Reduce Vet Bills

Today we found some amazing articles on reducing vet bills, living without a car, and haggling for a better price on everything.

Best Money Tips: Where to Find Free Antibiotics

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. We'll tell you where you can find free antibiotics, 45 of the weirdest college scholarships, and how to fight seasonal affective