Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: These 5 Things Make You Terrible With Money

Today we found articles on the biases and fallacies that make us terrible with money, rules that every real estate investor should follow, and how to recover from a spending spree.

Customer Service Lessons from Nordstrom

Nordstrom's one-rule customer service "handbook" is almost as well-known as the company's excellent reputation with customers. Here's why.

Best Money Tips: How to Make a Great First Impression

Today we found some great articles on ways to make a great first impression, things that make you look dumb on Facebook, and money-saving DIY home repairs.

Fly With a Little Help From Your Friends: Social Travel Planning

With these websites, you can use your friends, family, and online resources to help you plan, and even pay for, your next trip.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 11/16, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $200 in Prizes!

Topic: Creating Financial Stability! Join our conversation with EARN for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #SaverLife to participate!

Here's How Much You'd Have Today if You'd Bought Bitcoins a Few Years Ago

The notorious crypto-currency is notoriously volatile. How much would you have today if you'd invested just $100 in Bitcoins a few years ago?

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 12/14 at 12pm PST/3pm EST for a Chance to Win $200 in Prizes!

Topic: Becoming an Automatic Millionaire! Join our conversation with David Bach for chance to win $200 in Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat and #Finish Rich to participate!

Get More for Your Old Treadmill by Bartering

If you have exercise equipment you're thinking of selling, hold up — you might be able to get more value for it by bartering.

20% drop in US CD sales shows the power of the music fan

I don't like buying albums, for one reason. Most of the time, they're a mixed bag. Some great tunes, some good tunes, some poor tunes. That's why I love ITunes. I can cherry-pick the songs I like and leave the rest behind. 99 cents a song? [more]

Rejoice - it's Haagen-Dazs FREE SCOOP DAY.

Can I say, right here and now, I love free anything. But free ice-cream? [more]

Best Money Tips: Ways You're Wasting Money at the Grocery Store

Today we found some great articles on ways you’re wasting money at the grocery store, how to fund a vacation, and tips to break bad clutter habits.

Money After Graduation: Highlights from Our Chat with UNT's Student Money Management Center

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with UNT's Student Money Management Center on money after graduation.

Are You Ready for Home Ownership?

My husband and I just moved to the Great Northwest, and we batted around the idea of purchasing our first home. [more]

A Note on Consumer Justice

Remember my lamps? These lamps? I’m not surprised if you don’t—I mentioned th

Training Your Dog: 9 Hazardous Habits (and How to Break Them)

A dog doesn't need to graduate from an (expensive) obedience school to be good. Learn how to teach him the habits that will keep you both happy.

Orange Makes You Buy More (and Other Sneaky Store Smell Tricks)

The smell of freshly bread wafting through the grocery might be more than just a scent — it could be part of a calculated plan to make you to spend more.

eCredable: Credit Scores for Debt-Free Consumers

Discover how alternative credit rating agencies can help debt-free consumers escape the credit Catch-22 by using payment histories to develop scores.

10 Ways Working From Home Can Save (And Cost) You Big

Working from home will often help you save money, but not always.

New $5 bill starts circulating today

The new $5 enters circulation today with a ceremonial "first spend" at the gift shop of President Lincoln’s Cottage at the Soldiers’ Home in Washington, D.

Best Money Tips: Frugal Ways to Enjoy Spring

Today we found some awesome articles on frugal was to enjoy spring, how to make your side business a success, and managing financial risk.