Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Curing Warts, Removing Splinters, and 19 Other Bizarre Uses for Banana Peels

From greening your garden to moistening meat, banana peels have plenty of surprising uses. Plus, discover 7 bonus uses for bananas themselves.

37 Savings Changes You Can Make Today

From cutting costs to getting unadvertised discounts to setting up an automatic savings plan, these 37 easy changes can help you save more

5 Ways Good Manners Make You Wealthier

Getting rich isn't easy. But it can be a whole lot easier if you mind your P's and Q's!

Don't Ruin an Antique! How to Tell If You Should Refinish Wooden Furniture

Refinishing your grandmother's old dresser might be a terrible idea. Learn when you should refinish wood furniture, and when you should use a professional.

6 Ways to Haggle Your Way to Cheaper Rent

If you love the apartment, but not the price, learn how to negotiate with the landlord and find the price that's right for both of you.

4 Times When Bundling Insurance Doesn't Make Sense

"Bundling" is a buzzworthy term in the insurance world. But, sometimes, you're better off keeping your policies separate.

5 Frugal Rules You Must Follow When Shopping at Costco

Everything is cheaper at Costco, right? Maybe not. Follow these tips to ensure that you don't waste money at the wholesale store.

25 Awesome Websites to Help You Get a Job

From niche job searches to finding fantastic freelance gigs to resume help and much more, these 25 job websites will help get ahead in getting employed.

Women Pay More for Health Care — Here's How to Pay Less

Many factors can spike your health care costs through the roof. Including being a woman.

Best Credit Cards for Jewelry Stores

A guide to the best jewelry store credit cards.

8 Ways You're Wasting Electricity Without Realizing It

Cut your electric bill by getting serious about conservation. Plug these easy to miss power leaks and watch the savings add up.

How to Travel Internationally With Your Kids

Traveling with your kids in tow can get expensive and chaotic. Here's how to minimize the costs, and the frustration.

The Psychology of Salaries: Do You Want to Know How Much Your Coworkers Make?

It's easy to get sucked into the whole drama of wondering what everyone you work with makes and how you stack up with them. But there's a delicate balance between making sure you'r

How to Find a Legit Virtual Assistant Job

Working flexible hours from home can be a dream. Learn where to find a bonafide VA job that pays.

When Should You Fire Your Real Estate Agent?

Lately several couples I know have been trying to purchase real estate, and it seems that none of them are too happy with their real estate agents. Some of them have been working w

4 Ways Millennials Are Changing Marriage

It's no secret that Millennials like to do things their own way, and that includes marriage. Here's how the kids are tying the knot (or not).

Six Months as an Amazon Seller

After six months of experiences with various features and exchanges with customers and the Amazon monolith itself, here's what you need to know.

The 5 Best Foot Scrubbers

Keeping your feet smooth isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these foot scrubbers and your feet will always look pampered.

5 Reasons a Home Sale Could Fall Through

Your house is on the market, and you finally got an offer. Done deal, right? Not so fast...

5 Things Americans Spend Too Much On

From our "I Dos" to our morning joe, Americans are guilty of spending way too much on these things.