Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Hotel Room Booking Tools Every Frugal Traveler Should Know

Wise Bread editor Janet Alvarez shares some great frugal travel tools on TV — and right here, too, just in case you can't tune in.

Best Money Tips: Big Money Mistakes That Married Couples Make

Today we found articles on big money mistakes that married couples make, travel discounts you may have missed, and helpful tips for flying with gifts.

5 Ways to Make Money With Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon's Mechanical Turk is a service that allows people to hire several workers for tasks small and large. Discover how you can use the service to make extra money.

45 Other Things to Do on Super Bowl Sunday

The Super Bowl isn't for everyone. If you prefer baking to blind sides and decoupage to touchdowns, here are some alternatives to watching the game.

To Shred or Not to Shred: How Long to Keep Your Tax Records

When it comes to your tax records, it can pay to be a hoarder. But how long is too long to hold on to "important" papers?

10 Monthly Bills You Can Slash

Stop gritting your teeth when you pay bills. With a little planning, you can slash your monthly expenses while experiencing little change in your living standards.

What to Do When a Creditor Sues

When a creditor takes you to court your best defense is preparation.

How to Solve These 6 Problems Your Heirs Could Have With Your Estate

If you have a will, you're ahead of most Americans — but don't pat yourself on the back just yet. Your heirs may still encounter some challenges.

Blergh! Could you eat these strange canned foods?

I was raised on canned food. We never had much money, so my folks bought food in cans because it lasted forever, it was cheap and, if dented or without a label, really really cheap

Starting a New Job: 3 Rules to Live By

Make the transition to a new job easier by following these tips.

Lower Interest Rates with Credit Sesame and Lending Club

First I consolidated my credit cards using a service that barely changed my inflated interest rates. Then I got a better deal — here's how.

How to Choose the Perfect Country to Retire In

Choosing which country to retire in can be tough. Here's how to ensure you make the right decision.

The 5 Best Electric Woks

An electric wok lets you take delicious stir-fry wherever there's an electrical outlet. Find the wok that's right for you from our Best 5.

Better With Basil: 21 Uses for Jarred Pesto

Whether you're chasing after kids or rushing home from work, if you're short on time, pre-made pesto can be your ticket to a quick, healthy, and delicious meal.

4 Myths About Economic Behavior We Don't Believe Anymore

We all remember the marshmallow experiment from Psychology 101. New studies show those famous findings are full of fluff.

How to Break Bad Habits

Breaking a bad habit doesn't cost a dime but might save you plenty while boosting your confidence and your social capital. Learn how with these five easy steps.

3 Smartphone Apps That Manage and Maximize Your Credit Card Rewards

Credit card rewards programs can be hard to maximize, and it's easy to let points slip away. Wrangle your rewards with this trio of smartphone apps.

Going Green: How to Live a (Nearly) Cash-Only Life

Whether you have a problem with credit-card debt or just want a new way to budget, it might be time to go for the green.

6 Ways to Bounce Back After a Work Mistake

Everybody makes mistakes. Don't make them worse by bungling the follow up.

Look where you want to go

Yesterday, as I teetered precariously on my motorcycle at the top of a steep hill, riding home from the repair shop and thus marking my first time on a motorcycle that wasn't in a flat, closed course, I was repeating one of the standard Motorcyclin [more]