Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

For the Best Deals of the Year, Shop Labor Day and Skip Black Friday

Black Friday is when retailers offer the steepest discounts of the year, right? Wrong. Labor Day weekend is the holiday with the best discount shopping.

Security is an illusion. Freedom is real.

There's a seeming tradeoff between freedom and security: You can stick with the day job or chuck it to live your dream--if you're willing to give up the security of the regular pa

The 5 Best Showerheads

A great showerhead can make your shower amazing and save you money. Here are our picks for the best.

How to Build Credit Without Using Credit Cards

You need to build your credit history, but you want to do it without traditional credit cards. Okay! Here's where you can start.

Millennial Millionaires: How the Brokest Generation Can Also Become the Richest

Young adults may be feeling the weight of student loans and low-income jobs, but they too can become millionaires by taking the right steps now.

Uglify Your Stuff To Keep It Safe

I buy things based on how they look as well as what they do. But what attracts you to objects also attracts thieves. And so, has the time come to "uglify your stuff?"

Laser vs. Inkjet: Choosing the Wrong Printer Could Cost You

Can't decide between a laser or inkjet printer? Follow this guide and do the math.

Homemade Gluten-Free Trail Mix Bars for About 30 Cents Each

If you're gluten-free this recipe for trail mix bars that cost around 30 cents a piece to make, will keep you in the black and spare your GI tract.

Dealing with Post-Holiday Credit Card Debt

It's not the most wonderful time of the year when the first credit card bills from the holiday season start to arrive. Here's how to pay them off.

8 Ways Your Credit Card Benefits Will Save You Money

Read the fine print on your credit card agreement, and you may be surprised at all the ways your account can save you money. Wait! What?

7 Things the Craziest Christmas Fanatics Do

It's easy to get caught up in the spirit of the season. Too easy, in fact, for these holiday celebrants who take holiday excess to excess.

The 5 Best Luggage Scales

Before you head to the airport with a heavy suitcase, you should make sure it doesn't go over the weight limit. These luggage scales are here to save the day (and your budget).

How to Tell If You Need a New Rewards Card Strategy

If you're trying to get the most rewards from your credit cards, make sure you've got the right strategy in place.

Beyond Beef: Tasty, Frugal Protein

If you're looking for filling, inexpensive protein to anchor your meals, there are more options than you may think (and they're delicious!).

11 Things You Can Do on Your Lunch Break to Change Your Life

After you finish stuffing your face at your desk, instead of returning to work (or Facebook), spend a few minutes focused on improving you.

Awesome Accomplishments: 50+ Questions to Ask Yourself and Figure Out What You've Done

Figuring out what you've accomplished at work is essential to demonstrating your value to employers. Here are 50+ questions to jumpstart the process of articulating awesome accompl

The 5 Hardest-to-Kill Houseplants

No matter how black your thumb, these hardy indoor growers will keep green whatever the level of inattention and neglect you care to give them.

Shoveling Snow and 5 Other Things Robots Can Do for You

Eventually, they'll probably take over the world, but for now, robots are thankfully taking over our household chores.

Making Your First Paycheck Work for You

Getting your first post-graduation paycheck can be exciting and unnerving. Find ways to fully support yourself -- either immediately or sometime in the future -- and b

8 Ways to Save on Dinner — No Meal Planning Required

Tired of spending hours mapping out your meals? Good news: You can make healthy, affordable meals on the fly, too.