Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Screw It, I'm Buying an Air Conditioner

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. In this edition, we'll share with you how to stay cool, quit your job, learn from metaphors, make money from your crafts, and more!

Why the Affordable Home Really Isn't

I've taken a look at home affordability calculators that are available from many reputable sites offering personal finance advice. "Affordability" is based on bank lending guidelin

Beware of Phony Census Workers

This year the United States Census Bureau will be conducting its regularly scheduled census. Every address in the United States will receive a census form and census workers will b

8 Frugal Destinations for a Dreamy Winter Getaway

Those first few flecks are wonderful, but snow gets cold and miserable fast. Escape the chill in these sunny locales that won't scorch your budget.

6 Ways to Save Money on iPads, iPhones, and Macs

Want to buy a sleek Mac laptop or a cool iPad but don't want to pay full price? Fear not — there are actually ways to save money on Apple products.

8 Essential Pieces for Your Capsule Wardrobe

Lucky day! Capsule wardrobes are on trend again, which is great for closets and budgets. Start stocking your minimal collection with these smart basics.

36 Workouts You Can Do in Your Living Room While It's Cold Out

Yeah, it's cold outside, but that's no excuse to skip your workout. All you need is few feet of living room and the desire to get moving.

How to Keep a Personal Problem From Hurting Your Career

Everyone goes through a rough spot once in awhile. The key is making sure you don't bring your personal crisis into the office.

Car Buying Part 1 - Going For Broker.

Skip the dealership. Have a licensed broker find you the exact car you want without spending a dime over budget.

How to Calculate the Value of Your Credit Card Rewards

Ever wonder what your credit card rewards are actually worth? Let's find out.

Common Money-Saving Mistakes That Can Cost Big Bucks

Some common efforts to save actually result in wasting money. Think twice and avoid these common pitfalls.

The Housing Market Is Finally Rebounding

The housing market is rebounding, and the buyer's market is ending. But should you rush to buy a home now? Read this article to help decide.

The Basics of CD Laddering

To get the most out of your long-term savings, set up a CD ladder to earn the most attractive rates without tying up your money for years and years.

8 Ways to Reduce Mortgage Closing Costs

Mortgage closing costs can add up to thousands of dollars. Discover how you can easily and drastically reduce these costs.

5 Ways to Live Bank-Free

One in 12 Americans lives bank free — by choice. Find out how they do it so you can, too!

Best Credit Cards for (New) Parents

Having kids changes your spending habits. Shouldn't your credit card change to match? Here are five smart cards to switch to post-baby.

How to Understand and Protect Yourself From Inflation

Inflation is inevitable. What you can change, though, is how you deal with it — and these decisions can make or break your financial future.

Five quick and simple scams that could happen to you today

A US version of the UK show The Real Hustle has been trying out some very simple but effective cons on the American public, and they’re getting away with some serious money. Watch,

Would you get rid of credit cards if stores give more discounts to customers who pay cash ?

I am sure you have encountered a store or gas station that has a set of prices for cash customers and a set of prices for credit card customers. Usually the credit card customer h

5 Reasons Not to Apply for a Loan Modification in the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP)

The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) rolled out last year currently has over 700,000 people in trial modifications and a little over 30,000 in "permanent" modifications.