Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

25 Ways to Use Frozen Mixed Vegetables

You could just toss that bag of frozen mixed veggies into the microwave and steam as a healthy side. But why when you can use that same chilly bag all these hot and delicious ways?

Ask the Readers: Are You Ready for Tax Season?

Tell us whether you're ready for tax season and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 5 Best Home Hair Dyes

Keeping your hair color fresh on a budget isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these home hair dyes and you can get salon-quality cover at home for next to nothing.

5 Websites for Swapping Your Clothes and Refreshing Your Wardrobe

Clothing swaps parties have become popular in recent years as frugal and fashion conscious men and women find that trading clothes is a great way to update a wardrobe for next to n

What if energy costs keep rising?

Recession or not, I think the medium-term trend in energy costs is up.  Just in case I'm right, you ought to have plan for that.

10 Easy Plumbing Repairs That Don't Require a Plumber

Tired of paying for plumbing repairs? A plumbing industry veteran shares 10 easy repairs that don't require an expensive visit from the plumber.

Save Time, Money, and Hassle by Bundling Your Home Repairs

A long list of home repairs can seem daunting. Bidding them as a bundle makes the job easier for a contractor — and worthy of a discount for you.

The 5 Best Label Makers

Staying organized isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these label makers and your stuff will never get lost.

6 Ways to Earn More Money — Without Working More Hours

Stuck in a job rut? Make more money with these time-efficient earnings boosters.

10 Ways to Make This Your Most Productive Summer Yet

This is your summer. Make it count by getting things done!

3 Things You Should Know About Rental Car Insurance

Your rented set of wheels comes with a laundry list of optional insurance coverage. Should you take it?

The 9 Secrets of Highly Successful Craigslist Sellers

From couches to cell phones, you can hock it on Craigslist. Follow these tips and go from Craigslist amateur to selling machine.

How to Earn Extra Money Driving for Uber or Lyft

The sharing economy is disrupting business models and creating extra income for millions. Here's all you need to get your piece of the rideshare pie.

12 Annoying Bank Fees and How to Avoid Them

Account fees have become big business for banks and a major drain on consumers’ pocketbooks. Protect your balance by avoiding these 12 common fees.

8 Ways to Buy Jeans on the Cheap

You don't have to spend half a paycheck on a nice pair of jeans. Cheap, stylish, and well-fitting jeans exist. You just have to know where to look.

Frugal Gluten-Free Living: Delicious Homemade Gluten-Free Bread

Here is an easy to make Gluten-Free Bread recipe that is extremely affordable and much better tasting than store brands. Celebrate and have toast again!

Homebrewed Beer: The Results

Home-brewing can lead to better tasting and cheaper beer. What's not to like?

How to Improve Your Credit Score

By following a few simple steps you can improve your financial situation and credit score.

6 Reasons You Should Always Hire a Moving Company

You're moving into a new place, and you're trying to save some cash. Whatever you do, don't skimp on professional movers.

Why "Buy One Get One Free" Is Usually A Bad Deal

Recently, I read about a promotion from a home builder in San Diego where consumers could buy a 4000 square foot house for $1.6 million and get a smaller home by the developer valu