Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Things You Can Do Yourself Instead of Paying a Pro

Today we found articles on things you can do yourself instead of hiring a pro, ways to save at Disney World, and common mistakes you make when washing your face.

Buying a Rental Car? Here's What You Need to Know

From mileage and maintenance, to costs and red flags, here's everything you need to know about buying a former rental car.

Big List of Birthday Freebies

It's your birthday, time to take advantage of the one day of the year that people have to be nice to you. Take a look at all the things companies are willing to give you for free!

Best Money Tips: How to Stock a Minimalist Kitchen

Today we found articles on how to stock a minimalist kitchen, cleaning supplies you never have to buy again, and simple ideas for taking care of yourself.

FREE bowling balls - just pay shipping

A quick deal for you everyone. I'm not sure how bad or good your bowling is, but mine is rotten. I don't blame the balls, I blame myself for not doing it often enough. Oh,

3 Times a Refinance Is the Wrong Move

A mortgage refinance can save you tons, right? Not always.

5 Surprising Ways the Rich Get Richer

The rich get richer. You could get jealous, or you could get inspired to find out how wealthy stay that way, and copy them?

Gift-Giving Ideas That Can Change Lives

Giving a gift that doesn't suck is not easy. Instead of focusing on the same old gift ideas, how about trying something that has the potential to change the person's life? It can b

10 Surprising, Non-Physical Benefits of Exercise

You know exercise is good for physical fitness, but it's good for so much else. Get moving and start reaping the benefits!

5 Ways to Build Business Credit When You're Self-Employed

If you're self-employed, you have two credit scores to worry about: Yours, and your business's.

If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

You don't hear it much any more, but for a long time, "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich" was a pretty effective line for the average Joe when dealing w

Cell Phone Relief

Tired of those early termination fees that cell phone companies stick you with? Well, help may be on the way, but it may just be a case of the fox watching the hen-house.

Ask the Readers: Where Do You Go for Financial Advice?

Tell us where you go for financial advice and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

13 Things IT People Wish You Knew About Computers

We asked IT pros for some simple tips to take some of the mystery and frustration out of computer problems.

12 Smart Ways to Turn $500 Into a Better Future

Got $500 burning a hole in your pocket? Instead of blowing it on stuff, use it wisely to improve your finances, your home, or yourself.

6 Reasons Why Used Is Better

Buying used isn't just about finding antiques or quirky vintage clothes. From cost to quality, discover why buying used is often smarter than buying new.

8 Alternative Ways to Cook Outside

There are still a few more scorching weeks of summer left, and if you can't take the heat in the kitchen, get out. No, really.

Guess What? Your Bank Rewards May be Taxable

Credit card and bank rewards may be taxable depending on how they're earned. Find out how these rewards are treated, and if you'll be on the hook for taxes.

19 Uses for Empty Cereal Boxes

Don't throw out that Cheerios box! When the cereal's all gone, use the cardboard for one of these fun and useful projects.

Never Order Fish on Mondays and 7 Other Bad Days to Buy Stuff

Mark your calendar and hide your wallet. These shopping days of the week, month, and even year come with higher prices and lower quality.