Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: 31 Household Products You're Underusing

Today we found great articles on the household products you’re underusing, mini habits of insanely successful people, and tips to snag a higher salary at your first job.

Best Money Tips: Cheap Substitutions for Pricey Ingredients

Today we found cheap substitutions for pricey ingredients, tips for saving money at the farmers market, and Halloween freebies and deals.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Save on Shoes

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to save on shoes, things not to buy during the holidays, and ways to give gifts that matter.

Canada and U.S. Retirement Showdown: Which Offers More for Retirees?

In the spirit of friendly cross-border competition, Canada and the U.S. face-off on retirement. Which country offers the best deal for retirees?

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Thrift Store Finds?

Tell us about your favorite thrift store finds and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

A Million Bucks By 30: A Book Review

This digestible escapade from Alan Corey details his journey from fed-up college grad to self-made millionaire. But is it practical advice for you?

Ask the Readers: How Do You Express Your Love Besides "I Love You?"

Tell us how you express your love and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

A Superior Life: What You Put In Is What You Get Out

Whether it be the amount of business ideas you start, the sports you play, the languages you learn or the people you date, it is not a good idea to bite off more than you can chew.

7 Ways to Help Your Parents Save Money

Help your parents enjoy their golden years without spending a fortune yourself.

The Disaster Known as the California State Budget

Live in California? Fed up with the budget crisis? If you could whisper a suggestion in your state reps ear or our illustrious governor, what would you suggest?

How To Avoid Gambling Away Your Investments

Some consider participating in the stock market as a form of gambling. While I agree that not everyone should be risking their money in certain investments, I believe that by takin

Food, Inc. and the Origins of Your Food: 3 Reasons to Remain Ignorant (Plus Free Movie Screenings)

Food, Inc., a movie detailing the origins and production of food, came to theaters last month. While I'm glad I've become more knowledgeable about food, in light of Food, Inc.'s re

26 Green Websites that Save You Money

There are countless green websites on the internet today, ranging from tips about green parenting to business ideas for eco entrepreneurship. But, what if you're looking for ways t

Best Money Tips: Tips to Get the Most From Coupons

Today we found some stellar articles on tips to get the most from coupons, things you should never DIY, and how to avoid certain budgeting problems.

What Every Parent Should Know About the New College Financial Aid Rules

If you have college-aged kids, then you need to know these major FAFSA changes for the 2017–2018 school year.

12 Things You're Doing Wrong Before Noon (and How to Fix Them)

Good mornings make for better days. Make sure you're avoiding these bad habits in order to develop a healthful, relaxing, and productive morning routine.

10 Super-Cool Ways to Add Hidden Storage to Your Home

If your living space is cluttered and you just don't know where to put everything, try one of these clever ways to keep your stuff out of sight.

Eat Well, Save Big Cookbook (Review and Giveaway!)

If you’re like me, you’re a bit weary of cookbooks promising fabulous meals for under $2-3 bucks per person. They seem to be a remix of the same thing (ground beef, perhaps?) and m

How You Know When It's Time For Bankruptcy

When it comes to erasing debt, you've got options. You can do it yourself, go to a credit counselor, try debt settlement or go for the nuclear bomb of debt destruction: bankruptcy.

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