Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Re-Gifted?

It's a sticky subject, but something that is very common. We're talking regifting, and with the economy making shopping new a little bit harder than last year, it's something that

Best Money Tips: Reduce Your Food Expenses

Today we found some great articles on tax day freebies, reducing your food expenses, and steps to investing in yourself.

Extended Car Warranties: 3 Things to Know

Extended car warranties can keep you from wrecking the family budget. But you need to shop them as carefully as you do your car. Here are three things to look for.

12 Delicious Soups You Can Make From Leftovers

Whether you've got a lot of leftovers or only a little, use one of these delicious recipes to turn yesterday's meal into today's delicious soup — and save!

These Are the 4 Terms You Need to Know to Get Started in Stocks

Don't know your P/E from your EPS? That's OK — catch up on the basics here, and you'll become a savvier investor.

Home Reverse Mortgaged? Here's How to Sell It

Reverse mortgages are growing in demand as the population ages. This means more of these homes will be hitting the market, too.

Going Into Debt Can Be Awesome

Debt can make or break you. Which one depends on how you handle it and the reasons behind the need for the money. Make the right choice and you can achieve even the impossible.

Hate Budgeting? How a Percentage-Based Budget Might Work for You

When it comes to budgeting, play the percentages to find a spending plan that works for you, whatever your situation.

Black Friday Tips From Money-Saving Experts

Black Friday is not the day for casual browsing! If you're going to shop, either online or in the store, use these tips from the Internet's top savings experts to prepare.

Student Loans: How to Make Post-College Decisions

Making decisions about student loans doesn’t have to be difficult. But it should be personalized.

12 Tricks That Make You Look Skinnier (Without Being Skinnier)

Look your best even when you aren't feeling your best with a few clever shape-shifting tricks.

Insurance Overview for Small Business Owners

Running your small business is a multi-faceted task, of which risk management plays a vital role. And insurance in turn is a crucial element to risk management.

7 Surprising Winter Travel Destinations That Won't Break the Bank

Whether you're after a wintry adventure or an escape to the sunshine, these destinations offer plenty of it, at a good price.

Best Money Tips: Strategies for Saving Year-Round

Today we found some awesome articles on strategies for saving year-round, money management tips, and tips for traveling on a budget.

Who Should Handle Your Business Finances

Many small business owners run all of their own finances, but eventually you'll want to hire professionals. Read this to learn who to hire when.

6 Signs That a Winning Notification Email Is a Fake

Whether you regularly enter sweepstakes or are just concerned about email scams, follow these tips to avoid becoming a victim.

Fly With a Little Help From Your Friends: Social Travel Planning

With these websites, you can use your friends, family, and online resources to help you plan, and even pay for, your next trip.

Best Money Tips: Make Extra Income With These Flexible Side Gigs

Today we found some great articles on flexible side gigs that will help you make some extra money, popular home upgrades that aren’t worth it, and using social media to save money.

The 7 Worst Travel Values

Vacation means treating yourself — and even splurging a little, but some travel deals simply aren't. Travel smart and avoid these tourist traps.

4 Project Costs to Consider Before You Launch

Effective project management and execution is important to business success. Deciding which projects to pursue is just as important.