Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Save $1,500 on Coffee

Many of us know that we can save money by making coffee at home, but have you ever actually calculated how much? Learn how to save $1,500 on coffee.

10 Homemade Liqueurs to Bottle for Tasty Gifts

Homemade liqueurs and infused alcohols are easy to make and are always welcome gifts around the holidays. Here are 10 great ones you have to try.

Did Your Parents Give You a Whole Life Insurance Policy? Here's What to Do With It.

What is whole life insurance all about? If you have any questions about this, read on.

Best Money Tips: Easy Steps for a Greener Holiday Season

Today we found articles on ways to have a green holiday season, opportunities to save money in 2017, and simple but smart ways to improve your home security.

Making Every Penny Count With A Zero-Based Budget

Feel like you're just living payday-to-payday? Having trouble figuring out where all your money goes? Then a zero-based budget just might be for you.

Is This the Best Search Engine Ever for New & Used Cars?

The site is one I found quite by accident.The site is called It's only in Beta right now, but the results are a

Why I Choose to Rent Instead of Buy

Some say that homeownership is the smarter financial move, but for many folks, renting is just the better call.

Know Your Markets and Earn Some Cash: Ebay vs. Amazon

Most online shoppers I know are very familiar with Ebay and Amazon. The problem is that the hardcore Ebayers are not very familiar with the Amazon Marketplace. [more]

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Holiday Travel?

Tell us how you save on holiday travel and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Top 10 Real Estate Tax Write-Offs

Top 10 real estate tax write-offs for landlords and real estate investors.

20 Free and Fun Ways to Reward Yourself

Reaching goals is often its own reward, but when it isn't, go ahead, do something nice and frugal for yourself.

6 Simple Ways to Market Your Side Business

Nobody will buy what you're selling if they don't know you're selling it. Jumpstart your side hustle with some easy and inexpensive marketing.

Should You Save for College Using a 529 Prepaid Tuition Plan?

Prepaid tuition plans let you buy your kid semesters of college, locked into today's pricing. Are these a good idea?

9 Ways an Annual Self Review Can Boost Your Career

Don't wait for the boss to schedule your annual review. There are plenty of reasons to give yourself an appraisal right now.

4 Credit Report Mistakes That Could Be Costing You Big

You know you should be reviewing your credit report annually. When you do, these are the credit dangers to look for.

10 Ways Even Shy People Can Fake Confidence and Get Ahead

Fake it 'til you make it is a lot easier said than done. Even shrinking violets can exude confidence with these simple posture and speech hacks.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money When Dining Out?

Tell us how you save money while dining out and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

17 Creative, No-Mess Activities for Kids Stuck at Home

Help your homebound kid avoid the boredom blues by keeping them occupied with these no-mess activities.

15 Unexpected Expenses of a New Baby

Having a baby is expensive. If you aren't ready for these unexpected costs, your new bundle can be an even bigger blow to your budget.

9 Money Secrets of the Amish

The lifestyle of the Amish includes hard work and simple living — which also equals more money in the bank. Could simpler finances work for you?