Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Life Before the End of the Year

There's still plenty of time left before New Year's to make this the best year ever!

10 Tricks to Avoid Workout Burnout

Don't sabotage your fitness goals by giving in before fitness becomes a habit. Stay on track by knowing when to ease up and when to power through.

Here's How Much to Spend on Life's 3 Biggest Milestones

Life's milestone purchases shouldn't leave you flat broke. How much can you afford on a new car, home, or engagement ring?

How to Make Your Sluggish Workday Go (a Lot) Faster

When's it gonna be done o'clock already? Make the long workday hours go a lot faster with some shortcuts, treats, and fun ways to be productive.

The 5 Best Outdoor Grills

Nothing beats food grilled (or smoked) on a grill. Check out these five excellent outdoor grills that deserve a spot in your yard at your next barbecue.

8 Ways to Actually Relax Over the Holidays

Is holiday stress season is here again? This year, resolve to take it easy despite your overflowing calendar.

The 7 Best Employers for Single Parents

If you're nurturing a child and a career — by yourself — consider an application to one of these great companies for single parents.

6 Things You Might Do on Your First Day of Retirement

Happy day! Your work career is finally officially over and your time is your own. Now what?

12 Ways You're Driving Your Coworkers Insane

Make work easier on you and your colleagues by avoiding these nasty, annoying habits at the office.

The 5 Best Beach Umbrellas

Catching shade at the beach when the sun's out isn't easy, but it can be. Just bring any of these beach umbrellas with you and you'll be able to hide from those rays.

My 2016 Budget Challenge: Why I Need to Find $31K This Year

Wise Bread writer Max Wong needs to find an extra $31,000 this year. She's up for the challenge, and we're along for the ride.

4 Purchases With Financing Options That Depreciate Fast

Before you take on new financing for that fancy new car or diamond necklace, know that they'll depreciate in a blink.

Off the Wall: 21 Clever Uses for Leftover Wallpaper

If you have a few orphaned rolls of wallpaper laying around, here are 21 creative ideas to use it up without putting it on the wall.

Are All-Inclusive Vacations and Cruises Worth the Money?

One fee gets you all the food, drink, and fun you can handle for a week. Just make sure that all-in vacation package pencils out before you book it.

15 Easy-to-Pack, Delicious, and Cheap Airline Snacks

Be prepared for flight delays, and keep your blood sugar — and your mood — in good shape with one of these delicious snacks that travel well.

What to Do If You're Hit With a Huge Medical Bill

If you're facing a large stack of medical bills with nowhere to turn, take a deep breath and fear not. You can pay off your medical debt without going broke.

Fund your own sabbatical

I never got a sabbatical. My dad was a college professor, so I knew from a young age what a sabbatical was. I always paid attention whenever one corporation or another would be i

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Low-Cost Hobbies?

Tell us about your favorite low-cost hobbies and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Get Free Wi-Fi at Airports That Charge for Internet Connections

If you're stuck at an airport that charges for Internet connections, here's a solution: Go to the gift shop and ask for a a free Wi-Fi pass.

The Fine Art of Negotiating With Your Financial Institution

Paying more and getting less in your financial agreements? Learn how to get past the red tape and negotiate with people who can say "yes."