Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

8 Freelance Gigs Anyone Can Do to Make Extra Money

There are tons of legitimate side hustles to earn a little cash. These eight opportunities are easy, flexible, and (most importantly) lucrative.

20 Cute and Frugal DIY Clothes You Can Make for Your Kids

Hand-me-downs are smart and frugal, but these upcycled DIY duds for babies and kids are smart, frugal, AND cute!

10 Little Words That Will Get You the Best Price, Every Time

There's nothing complicated about getting the best price — you just need to know what to say.

Dealing With and Understanding Migraine Headaches

Migraines can be completely debilitating. Learn about common triggers (and how to avoid them) and home remedies for easing pain.

9 Ways to Make Money From Holiday Gifts You Don't Want

Not sure what to do with the toe socks you got from Aunt Sally? Turn those and the rest of your unwanted holiday gifts into cash!

20+ Ways to Use Sriracha (AKA Awesome Sauce)

Investing in one bottle of Sriracha chili sauce means no boring meals for a year! (Or almost month if you enjoy Sriracha as much as this writer does.)

The 5 Best Electric Skillets

Whether you need extra cooking space or don't have an oven, an electric skillet can greatly improve your cooking experience.

10 Easy to Learn Skills That Will Save You Money

Stop paying someone else to do things you can do. You're more than capable of learning these 10 skills, and you'll save hundreds per year.

5 Incredible Places to Retire Abroad That Anyone Can Afford

For retirees looking to stretch their savings — and satisfy their wanderlust — these five nations are attractive retirement options.

The 6 Qualities All DIYers Have — Do You?

It takes a special kind of person to subscribe to the DIY lifestyle. How many of these quirks of the maker class do you possess?

How to Ask for Your Old Job Back After Leaving

You quit your job. You said your goodbyes. But now … you want back in. Where do you start?

Life Without Toiletpaper - Bum Deal?

How far would you go to save the world? Upon reading the New York Times article about the Beaven-Conlin household in Manhattan, I started to get a little queasy. [more]

15 Cool DIY Home Improvements for $50 or Less

You don't need a second mortgage to update your place. Give your home a quick and easy makeover with these inexpensive fixer-uppers.

5 Ways Good Manners Make You Wealthier

Getting rich isn't easy. But it can be a whole lot easier if you mind your P's and Q's!

Don't Ruin an Antique! How to Tell If You Should Refinish Wooden Furniture

Refinishing your grandmother's old dresser might be a terrible idea. Learn when you should refinish wood furniture, and when you should use a professional.

Best Credit Cards that Give Back to Charity

Credit cards that give back allow you to donate and support your favorite charities and organizations.

11 Fun Tax Facts You Probably Never Knew

Taxes are a tale almost as old as time. Bet you didn't know these 11 weird tax facts!

12 Cool Ways to Make Treasure Out of Trash

One man's trash... you know the saying. Make your own treasures with the things you'd typically kick to the curb.

Cheap and Simple Sunburn Remedies That Really Work

what do you do when you return home from an outing and you resemble a well-done lobster bake? Try one of these time-tested home remedies for sunburns.

4 Financial Mistakes That Limit Your Freedom

The mistakes you make with money hurt more than your finances — they limit your freedom. Are you making any of these mistakes?