Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Considerations When Hiring a Celebrity Spokesperson

Planned carefully, a marketing campaign featuring a celebrity spokesperson can boost your profile and your sales. Planned poorly...

8 Job Offers That Are Too Good to Be True

Anyone who's been in the job market knows the relief a good offer brings, but is there more to the job than meets the eye? Beware of these bad jobs.

Early Holiday Shopping: Why I Finish by Thanksgiving

Already feeling that pre-holiday stress set in? Get a jump on holiday shopping, and reclaim some of that peace that the holidays are supposed to be about.

5 Daily Habits Of Successful Entrepreneurs

Substitute good habits for bad and the momentum you build will push you and your business steadily ahead.

We Were Hacked! 8 Tips for Minimizing Your Risk

By following a few simple strategies, you can prevent your business from becoming another victim of cyber-crime.

Best Money Tips: Cheap Ways to Boost Your Brain

Today we found some great articles on cheap ways to power up your brain, genius ways to use leftover produce, and eco-friendly ways to change up your laundry routine.

9 Credit Card Notifications That Can Save You Money

Don't just use credit cards to spend; these helpful alerts make it easier to track, manage, and even save your money.

4 Skills Every Leader Should Have

Develop these four key leadership attributes, and soon you'll have your team all on the same page and pointed in the right direction.

3 Ways Your Body Sabotages Your Money

You might think your brain is behind the wheel of your money decisions, but watch out — your own body might be spending more than you think.

Cleanse And Organize Your Inbox In 10 Simple Steps

If your inbox has mastered you, try these ten tricks to regain control.

5 Important Questions to Ask Before Adding to Your Family

Babies need more than just love and affection. Before expanding your family, find out what your budget can bear.

3 Undervalued Employee Virtues

Honesty is a virtue. So are inventiveness, integrated thinking, and occasional imprudence. Learn how to identify and motivate these key employee virtues.

8 Everyday Problems You Don't Need Money to Solve

Just because you're in a bit of a pickle doesn't mean you throw money at it to get you out.

The 4 Greatest Stock Reversals in the Last Decade

These four big stock market losers transformed themselves into stock market darlings in just 10 years. Find out what it takes to be a comeback kid.

6 Things You Need to Do if You're Retiring in 2018

This is it; 2018 is the year you retire. Before you leave the working world, there are a fey key moves to make first.

Business Lunch Etiquette 101

Good table manners and basic etiquette aren't just for visits to Gramma's house. They're good for business, too.

EverBank: Promising High Yields on Online Banking

If you're looking for high yields and low fees, check out online bank EverBank.

Is Social Media Killing Your Business?

Facebook, Twitter, G+ can all be cost effective marketing tools. They can also be time and resource sinks.

7 Ways to Balance Work and Travel While On the Road

Sometimes it's hard to unplug and avoid work entirely while on vacation, but not impossible.

Use Systems To Save Time And Money

For business tasks you dread or commonly avoid, build task management systems to help you stop procrastinating and free you to work where your skills matter most.