Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

People Are Still Spending Too Much on Their Weddings

Here comes the bride, all dressed in white, and about to enter a life of debt because she spent way too much on her wedding.

7 Things Employers Care About More Than Your Degree

When you're applying for a new job, every advantage helps. And these days, a college degree alone just won't cut it.

13 International Crock-Pot Recipes That Are Out of This World

Life's too short to make the same slow cooker dishes week after week. Expand your crock-pot horizons with these recipes that span the globe.

5 Killer Free Investment Tools

If you want to increase your investing knowledge, you don't need to pay the big bucks — just delve into these free resources.

12 Cheap Ways to Make Your Car Look Awesome

You may never get that new car smell back, but you can keep an old car looking (and running) sharp. Brighten up your jalopy with these frugal fixes.

31 Essential Kitchen Tools All Frugal Cooks Need

If your tiny kitchen space doesn't have these essentials, you're not living your best life.

The 5 Best Facial Moisturizers

Give your skin a healthy and soft sheen with the right facial moisturizer. Any of these five best facial moisturizers are good choices!

The 5 Best Linen Sprays

Keeping your linens smelling fresh isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these five linen sprays and your sheets will smell nice and clean.

5 Smart Places to Stash Your Kid's College Savings

Sending your kids to college is expensive. These investment vehicles are the smartest ways to start saving up.

4 Home-Buying Habits We Can Learn From Millennials

Millennials are late to the homebuying game, but they're bringing some valuable lessons we all can learn from.

How Long Can You Really Live on Unemployment?

If you lost your job, could you afford to get by on unemployment benefits alone? It might be time to beef up that emergency fund.

12 Reasons Your Debt Isn't Diminishing

Uh oh — your debt burden has hardly budged from your initial starting balance. What are you doing wrong?

Ultimate Guide to Cash Back Shopping

You can actually earn back some of what you spend on Internet purchases. Learn more about the programs available and how to avoid common mistakes.

Should You Repair a Dripping Faucet?

Sure, that dripping faucet might be annoying, but does it make financial sense to fix it? Find out with these simple calculations.

What was your best purchase in the past year?

This week, Wise Bread writers share our favorite purchases from the past year. Being frugal isn't just about saving money--it's about spending wisely. Shopping isn't a sin, and fru

6 Parts Every Successful Budget Needs

No two budgets are the same, but most successful budgets have these key components in common.

5 Websites to Book Cheaper Travel Packages

Looking to book an affordable travel package? These sites will help you find the best possible deal.

10 Classic Impulse Buys We Need to Stop Falling For

Acting on impulse is good when you're catching someone who's falling, or swerving to avoid an accident. But when it comes to shopping, it's not your friend.

Selling Your Groupon Coupons

If you've bought a Groupon or Living Social coupon but can't (or don't want to) use it, these sites will help you sell it to someone who wants it.

7 Ways Students Can Travel Abroad for Less

Traveling can be incredibly enriching for students. Here are a few ways they can make their travel dreams an affordable reality.