Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Things the United States Should Copy From Other Countries

The United States has a lot to recommend it, but there's always room for improvement. Let's look abroad for better ways of doing things and and start improving.

Knowing When to Walk Away: Financial Planning for an Unknown Ending

People have a notion that they must amass a certain amount of money, no matter how long it takes, before they can retire. But what if it took you 40 years of work to reach $1 milli

Buying Shiny New Things Without The Guilt

Saving beforehand without dipping into savings or paycheck takes the guilt out of buying process.

14 Secrets to Saving on Eyewear

Get a clear picture on ordering brand-new glasses and contacts from the comfort of home — and save as far as the eye can see.

Get the Most From Your Airline Miles in These 5 Overlooked Cities

You worked hard for your miles! Make them take you further by traveling to these five overlooked world cities.

A Guide to Becoming a Part-Time Bicycle Commuter

Transitioning from driving to cycling is easier than you think. Find out how to select the right gear, pick safe routes, and optimize your schedule for your daily bike commute.

Get a Deal Every Time You Shop with These Tools

If you have the right tools, you can always get a deal. Learn how to always get what you want, at the price you want.

The Credit Crunch Myth: You Can't Fix What Ain't Broke

In an effort to fix the credit crunch, the American Recovery Reinvestment Act authorized $730 million in funding for the SBA. Only one problem: There may not be a small business

5 Pet Costs You Don't See Coming

Pets soon become family — which means more often than not, you'll pony up. Start saving now for these pet expenses you can't avoid.

5 Ways New Parents Can Manage Debt

Don't let debt distract you from the joy of new parenthood. With some careful planning, you can handle both.

How to Get Elite Status for Free Hotel Upgrades

Getting a free upgrade to the luxury suite of a fancy hotel may sound like a fantasy, but you just need to know which programs to join.

20 Ways to Get Dinner on the Table Faster

Feeding your family fast doesn't have to mean grabbing drive-through eats. Try these tricks to help get delicious homemade meals on the table — quickly.

10 Fun Toys and Games You Can Make at Home

Tired of spending $30 on a single toy? Here are 10 super-fun toys and games you can make at home with common items.

15 Genius Gifts for Office Secret Santa

Shudder at the thought of an office Secret Santa? Worry no more. These genius gifts ideas include something for everyone.

The story of a guy with Downs Syndrome, some grocery bags and an idea straight from the heart.

Something I have often heard from teachers, mentors and my own parents is the following phrase: “Be the best at what you do, whatever you do.” It’s a lesson I have tried to live up

Retirement on the installment plan

Among the fraction of the population who manage to put money aside, many view their investments through the lens of retirement.  They've got a number in mind--call it $X--enoug

Pretty, Cheap: Makeup Advice for the Frugal

If you're perplexed about makeup and aren't sure what works best for you, you're not alone. Check out these tips to make buying makeup easier.

Book Review: The Post American World

Is there a link between having a modern society and having a western society? The vast economic and military power of the United States (and before that, the United Kingdom) has m

So, will Cash4Gold offer me cash to kill this story?

You’ve seen the tacky ads; you’ve been entertained by Ed McMahon and MC Hammer; but hopefully, you haven’t fallen for any of it. Cash4Gold has a simple promise; send them your unwa

5 Thoughts I Had After Paying Off My Credit Card Debt

A lot goes through your mind when you finally overcome credit card debt. After "Whoo-Hoo!," what comes next?