Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Ways to Keep Your Kid's Prom From Ruining Your Budget

It's prom season, moms and dads! Here's how to save major green on your kid's big night.

3 Smart Ways to Save on Father's Day

Father's Day spending is at a record-high, but here's how you can save money by getting Dad something he really wants.

6 Ways Gluttony Is Keeping You Poor

You may think gluttony only applies to food. Think again. Too much of anything can cost you.

4 Dumb Ways You Are Wasting Money Online

Online marketers are skilled at parting you from your money. Beware of these four marketing tricks — and learn how to defend your wallet from them.

How a Solid Credit Score Saves You Money

Your FICO credit score has a direct bearing on what kind of interest you can expect to pay on a loan, a mortgage or any other similar product. Many employers and landlords als

Does Your House Suck? Here's How to Sell It Anyway

It's easy to sell the best house on the block — clean it up, stage it, and list it. This is how you sell the worst.

How to Effectively Complain to Get What You Want

Effective complaints make everybody happy — including you. Learn the right way to complain and get what you want.

How to Buy a Mp3 Player

If you're in the market for a new MP3 player, here are some things to keep in mind.

10 Relationship Rules You Should Be Breaking

Rules are made for breaking — even in relationships. Ditch these old-fashioned mandates that may just be holding you back.

The 4 Best Investments for Lazy Investors

You really don't need a lot of money to get started investing. And you don't need a lot of time, either.

What Happens to Your Store Credit Card When the Store Closes?

The retailer behind your store-branded credit card just went kaput. What happens to your plastic — and your debt — now?

6 Summer Party Ideas That Won't Break the Bank

What's better than a mid-summer get-together with friends? A mid-summer get-together that's simple to plan and easy to pay for!

5 Homemade Stain Removers That Actually Work

For pesky household stains, skip the store-bought cleaners — you can beat the grime with common household items you already have.

20 Cheap Fun Things to Do With Kids This Weekend

Go on, let the kids enjoy their summer — it doesn't have to cost a fortune! Entertain them for free or close to it with these fun activities.

Unexpected, Delicious Drinks You Can Make at Home

Think you have to go out for bubble tea, mango lassis, and ultra-fancy cocktails? No way. Make your own with these recipes.

6 Ways to Drive a Hybrid or Electric Car on the Cheap

Ready to ditch your gas-guzzling days? Here's how to find a hybrid or electric car for super cheap.

10 Frugal-but-Classy Appetizers

Delicious appetizers are part of what make parties awesome — and what can make them expensive, too. Keep costs down with these recipes.

Fight the Post-Holiday Blues: 20 Cheap Ways to Make January Special

If you've got the post-holiday blues, don't worry — here are 20 inexpensive ways to make January feel a little bit less blah.

10 Life and Money Lessons Learned From Immigrant Parents

My immigrant parents have taught me many lessons about saving money, but the following 10 lessons were most influential in shaping how I lead my life as a 30-something today.

How to Prevent Identity Theft

Identity theft is a growing concern: with surprisingly little information, a thief can do lasting harm to your credit score and bank accounts. However, there are steps that you can