Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Ways Nice People Can Get Ahead

Ever feel like success is reserved for those with sharp elbows — and sharper tongues? Consider these reasons why being nice person will help you come out first.

Best Money Tips: 5 Ways You're Overpaying for Health Care

Today we found articles on ways you’re spending too much on health care, how to optimize your workspace, and why sales tax holidays are not as great as they sound.

Best Money Tips: What to Buy at Drugstores

Today we found some awesome articles on what to buy at drugstores, money-saving tips to afford college, and ways to protect your identity.

Super Doubles Are Back at Kmart

Are Super Double coupons at Kmart worth the time and hassle involved? Sometimes you never know until you're done shopping. But following a few simple tips can help stack the odds i

37 Hidden Travel Fees You've Probably Paid But Shouldn't Have

On your next trip, keep your wallet and your calculator close, and carry this list to help you spot the hidden fees on everything from water to Wi-Fi.

Job Hunting Tips for the Recently Fired (and Some for the Rest of Us, Too)

Job hunting is hard, but for those who have been fired, it's a real struggle. Here's how to put the past behind and move on with a new gig.

10 Popular Life Hacks That Don't Actually Work

Everybody loves a good labor-saving, clever shortcut, right? Unless it's one of these clever shortcuts that wind up costing you more time or money — or both!

Best Money Tips: Reduce Your Food Expenses

Today we found some great articles on tax day freebies, reducing your food expenses, and steps to investing in yourself.

Extended Car Warranties: 3 Things to Know

Extended car warranties can keep you from wrecking the family budget. But you need to shop them as carefully as you do your car. Here are three things to look for.

12 Delicious Soups You Can Make From Leftovers

Whether you've got a lot of leftovers or only a little, use one of these delicious recipes to turn yesterday's meal into today's delicious soup — and save!

These Are the 4 Terms You Need to Know to Get Started in Stocks

Don't know your P/E from your EPS? That's OK — catch up on the basics here, and you'll become a savvier investor.

Home Reverse Mortgaged? Here's How to Sell It

Reverse mortgages are growing in demand as the population ages. This means more of these homes will be hitting the market, too.

Going Into Debt Can Be Awesome

Debt can make or break you. Which one depends on how you handle it and the reasons behind the need for the money. Make the right choice and you can achieve even the impossible.

5 Small Risks That Can Improve Your Life in Big Ways

Small risks always payoff in the thrill of the gamble and sometimes they payoff in much more. Take a chance on these — you've got nothing to lose!

Best Money Tips: Beat Food Price Inflation

Today we found some awesome articles on ways to beat food price inflation, personal finance basics for new grads, and how to sell your home without a realtor.

8 Unexpected Ways Cheaper Gas Is Boosting Your Pocketbook

Gas prices are at their lowest levels in years. Are you taking advantage?

7 Money-Saving Tricks You Can Learn From Same-Sex Couples

Same-sex couples have a lot to teach heteros about partnering up, starting with some easy cost cutting and frugal living tips.

Best Money Tips: Smart Purchases That Will Save You Money

Today we found articles on smart purchases that will save you money, tips for traveling with food allergies, and positive habits that you can develop in a month.

Cable TV Is Here to Stay...for Now

Thinking about cutting cable? You might be surprised by little you could save. Follow these steps to find out if it's actually cost effective for you.

It's So Simple: 6 Steps to a Stable Retirement

It doesn't take feats of financial wizardry to fund a stable retirement. Let's break it down into easy-to-follow steps.