Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Stay on Budget While Eating Paleo

Eating like a cave man can be surprisingly expensive. Use these tips to eat paleo wisely, without blowing your budget.

The 5 Best Lip Liners

If you want your lips to look their fullest and the lip gloss isn't quite cutting it, lip liner is perfect for you. Try one of these on your next date night.

Double Coupons – They Could Cost You!

I recently tried (and failed) a recent Super Double Coupon promotion at my local Kmart. The bad news: I was unable to check out due to a glitch in their system, and I left all my

6 Questions to Ask Before You Book a Vacation Package

Whether you're looking for an all-inclusive vacation package or a bulk vacation package, ask yourself (and the provider) these six questions.

20 Cute and Frugal DIY Clothes You Can Make for Your Kids

Hand-me-downs are smart and frugal, but these upcycled DIY duds for babies and kids are smart, frugal, AND cute!

Step-by-Step Guide to Doing a Balance Transfer on Credit Cards

Before you attempt a balance transfer, here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it right.

12 Cute Ways to Upcycle Shoeboxes

Don't just drop those old shoeboxes in the recycle bin. From dirt cheap toys to trendy storage — your old shoeboxes can do so much more.

How to Use T-bills to Safely Boost Your Emergency Fund

Want a quick, easy, and safe way to boost your emergency fund? Federal government debt is the answer.

Should You Pay Down Debt First or Invest?

To pay down debt, or to invest? That is the question. How do you decide which way to tip the scales?

Get — and Keep — Amazing Posture by Doing These 10 Stretches Today

Stop slouching! Look thinner and feel better with these posture perfecting stretches anyone can do.

How to Save for Retirement When You Are Unemployed

So you're out of work. That doesn't mean you have to lose track of your retirement savings.

Ethnic Markets: Feel worldly for cheap

Your local ethnic supermarket has delicious cultural ingredients you won't find elsewhere — at least not at such a good price!

Life Without Toiletpaper - Bum Deal?

How far would you go to save the world? Upon reading the New York Times article about the Beaven-Conlin household in Manhattan, I started to get a little queasy. [more]

Don't Ruin an Antique! How to Tell If You Should Refinish Wooden Furniture

Refinishing your grandmother's old dresser might be a terrible idea. Learn when you should refinish wood furniture, and when you should use a professional.

6 Ways You Can Cut Costs Right Before You Retire

With retirement right around the corner, it's more important than ever to start cutting your daily living costs. You'll thank yourself later.

How to Protect Yourself Financially During a Divorce or Separation

The price tag on divorce is sky-high. Save yourself from further financial fallout by protecting your money.

7 Countries Where You Can Travel on $30 a Day or Less

Travel doesn't have to be expensive — you just need to know where to go, and how to trim the cost.

15 Things in Your Closet You Can Throw Out Today

Closet space comes at a premium — everything you store should fit, look great, and make you feel great. If not, toss it, sell it, or give it away.

The 6 Best Financial News Sites for Investors in a Hurry

Whether you're new to investing or an experienced trader, these sites will keep you up-to-date, wherever there's Internet.

8 Nifty Tips for Getting the Most from an All-You-Can Eat Buffet

I’m no promoter of gluttony, and I would never recommend stuffing yourself for the sake of stuffing yourself. However, as a mother of 4 growing kids who only eat out once or twice