Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

From Fine to Fabulous: 7 Ways to Improve Your eBay Business

Online auction site eBay has matured, but it's still a great way for savvy sellers to earn extra income. Take advantage of the site with these seven tips.

Trim Costs with Cheaper Kid's Haircuts

A recent tabloid article compares the homemade hairstyle of Brangelina's toddler with the designer salon-style of Tom and Katie Cruise's kid. Is there a happy and frugal medium fo

Which Retirement Account Is Right for You?

We all know that saving for retirement is of key importance. But how do you pick the right plan for you?

Your Sleeping Position May Be Hurting You

If you feel like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, it might actually be because you slept on the wrong side of you.

12 Habits of Highly Responsible Credit Card Users

While regular credit card use can be harmful, these 12 responsible credit habits can help you build a stronger credit rating and a healthier bottom line.

4 Money Lessons We Can Learn From J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling knows a thing or two about muggle money struggles. After all, she once had her share.

Calculate the "Stock Up Price" to Save on These Baby Essentials

Knowing the "stock up price" on these key baby essentials will help you keep more money in your pocket.

Buy. Sell. Make a Profit. Thanks Office Depot.

I've finally found a store that, regular as clockwork, puts great items on sale. And when I say sale, I don't mean 20% off, or even 50% off. I'm talking about 75%-90% off. The

The 5 Best Shower Curtains

Give your bathroom a whole new life with just one item. Use any of these shower curtains and your bathroom will look bold and brand-new.

My CSA Experience: Farm-Fresh Veggies All Summer (and Possibly Winter)

Buying a share in community-supported agriculture is a great way to get fresh, local produce — and some CSAs are even available through the winter.

3 Unbelievable Visualization Board Success Stories

There's a lot of skepticism around the idea of visualization boards, but plenty of people are convinced, such as the three people profiled here.

4 Ways Credit Cards Manipulate You Into More Debt

We humans aren't always rational. Learn four psychological tricks credit card companies use to capitalize on your irrationality and maximize your debt.

9 Ways to Maintain Motivation When the Going Gets Tough

Getting through a difficult time or task can be incredibly trying. Follow these tips to stay motivated and on-track to overcome whatever comes your way.

5 Ways to Get Through Airport Security Faster

Save time and reduce stress by using these tips to speed through airport security whenever you travel.

8 Ways to Be a Better Human by Living Like a Vampire

If you can look past their blood thirst and fundamental moral depravity, vampires have a lot to teach us about being human.

6 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself

All the productivity tricks in the world are can't help you if you're lacking motivation. Read on to get some gumption!

Free Shopping at Walgreens

If you could find a way to shop at Walgreens for free, and sometimes to even get paid to shop there, would you?

Think you can afford more house in the exurbs? Think again.

Many people who live in the far-out suburbs move there because they can buy more house for the money than they can in town. As an example from where I live, a house in Champaign-U

10 Ways to Beat the Sunday Night Blues

The weekend is coming — hooray! Extend it to all the way to Monday morning by making Sunday night all about you and not about the week ahead.

ReFi Shy? How to Determine If Now Is the Time to Refinance

As interest rates head north, homeowners are wondering if the timing is right to refinance. Here's how to find out.