Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Host a Party on a Budget?

Tell us how you host a party on a budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 5 Millennial Money Apps Everyone Should Use

Pay with… cash? That's for the olds. These new-fangled payment and money-management apps are changing how kids of every age do personal finance.

7 Traps to Avoid With Your 401(k)

Your 401(k) is a powerful retirement savings tool, but that doesn't mean it's perfect.

What You Actually Get When You Win Free Food for Life

Winning "free food for life" from your favorite restaurant isn't always what it seems.

What You Need to Know About Canceled Debt and Taxes

If you think debt forgiveness can make your financial liability disappear altogether, you're likely wrong.

How to Grocery Shop for Five on $100 a Week

Learn how to get a week's worth of groceries, toiletries, and household supplies for $100.

Ask the Readers: What New Thing Would You Like to Try This Year?

Tell us what new thing you would like to try this year and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 5 Best USB-Powered Fans

Keeping yourself and your computer cool in a stuffy work area isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these USB-powered fans and your work area will always be chill.

20 Delicious Ways to Enjoy Cheap Spring Roll Wrappers at Every Meal

Egg rolls are the new burritos. And no matter what's inside, it's delicious.

3 Cheap and Easy Formulas for Homemade Windshield De-Icer (Plus Bonus Tips)

It’s that dreaded time of year. Each trip to town requires a 10-minute pre-start on my car, and the hated task of scraping my windshield. There are several options to help you wi

50 Ways to Update Your Wardrobe for Cheap

If you get creative with shopping strategies and fashion choices, it's easy to control your wardrobe spending. Follow these tips to start dressing for less!

The 5 Best Solar Power Banks

A solar powered charger, like one of these five best choices, can keep your gadgets topped up with juice as long as the sun shall shine.

8 Seasonal Side Hustles That'll Cover Your Holiday Spending

The holidays are almost here! Feeling a cash crunch? These seasonal side hustles have your holiday spending covered.

The U.S. Savings Rate Has Tanked — Here's Why That Matters

The U.S. savings rate is the lowest since the Great Recession. Do you need to get your savings back on track?

9 Problems You Can't Solve With Money

Many problems we face require us to spend money to solve them. Use the three-step plan to decide if the solution is worth the cost.

How to Survive and Thrive as a Young Boss

For young leaders it can be hard to step into the boss's shoes. Here's how to make them your own.

How to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Try Something New

Trying something new can feel exhilarating — and completely terrifying. Learn how to get over your fear to do something fresh and exciting.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Thanksgiving?

Tell us how you save money on Thanksgiving and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

7 Times to Update Your Homeowners Insurance

You probably haven't looked at your homeowners policy since you bought your house. You might want to; especially if you've made these changes.

5 Ways Life Is Amazing With an 800 Credit Score

A credit score in the 700s is pretty good and the rewards are nice. But for those few who crack 800? The financial world is their oyster.