Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Selling Your Home: 17 Ways to Prepare Your House for Inspection Success

You want to sell your house, right? Then read this list — or risk your home failing inspection.

Homemade and Store Bought Mouse Trap Designs That Work

If you have an unwelcome visitor in your home, you probably already have everything you need to make humane, or deadly, mouse traps.

5 Things Our Realtor Told Us That Weren't True

Our realtor told us several things that turned out to be untrue. Learn from these situations before taking their word for it.

How to Prepare Your Kids to Live On Their Own

One day your kids will be living under their own roof. Will they be prepared to go it alone?

The Best Secured Credit Cards with Low APRs

Secured credit cards aren't known for their low APRs, but here are five with the lowest.

7 Websites You Must Visit When Buying a New Car

Buying a new car can be very stressful. But if you're armed with the right information, it can go a lot smoother than you expect.

10 Economy-Based Games That Make You Think

These games are high on strategy, and you may learn a thing or two about how the economy works.

5 Things Your Financial Planner Isn't Telling You About Retirement

Relying too much on your financial planner may be costing you. Make sure you retire the smart way, with your interests at the forefront — and not your adviser's.

6 Outdoor Adventures That Don't Cost a Dime

When the weather finally clears, shake off cabin fever with this collection of cheap, or even free outdoor adventures.

10 Magic Words to Say to Get the Best New Car Price

High-pressure salespeople are clever with words — especially in the auto market. Turn the tables with these negotiation winners.

25 Reasons Why It's Good to Know Your Neighbors

When there's something strange in the neighborhood, who ya gonna call? Your neighbors, of course! Discover all the great reasons to know who's next door.

The 5 Best Face Washes

You can have gorgeous and clear skin simply by using the right cleanser. Try one of these five best face washes and find out for yourself!

The 5 Best Car Battery Warmers

Keeping your car running during the cold winter months isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these car battery warmers and your battery will last through spring.

The 5 Best Pet Flea Shampoos

Keeping fleas away from your pets during summer isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these pet flea shampoos and they'll stay flea-free.

How to Resist Lifestyle Creep and Still Have Everything You Want

Responsible financial management doesn't mean you have to live like a monk. It does mean you have to define — and choose — your own individual lifestyle.

20 Places to Find the Best Freebies

Free stuff is pretty awesome, right? Here are the best places to find all the freebies you can handle.

How Much Does Your Credit Card Debt Cost You?

Only having to pay 2% of your total credit-card balance a month makes charging tempting...but with interest, you could also pay more than double your original purchase price.

Should You Use Peer-to-Peer Lending to Pay Down Credit Card Debt?

Depending on your debt situation, a peer-to-peer loan may be an affordable — and sensible — way to retire debt. Here's what you should consider.

How the Self Employed Can Cut Health Care Costs

Health care is a wild-card for many freelancers and entrepreneurs. Take these steps for more control over your costs and options.

Which of These 9 Retirement Accounts Is Right for You?

Picking the right retirement account can be a little tricky. Here's a break down of the best plans to help you save money for your future.