Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Job Perks That Can Lead to a Dream Career

Looking to make more money? Don't forget to check out your company's available perks, first.

Google Yourself Challenge: How Much Can People Learn About You Online?

What can stalkers and crooks learn about you online? Find out before it's too late.

12 House-Hunting Red Flags You Can't Ignore

From strange smells to wacky wiring, you shouldn't ignore these house-hunting red flags. Read on for 10 more.

How to Protect Yourself From Predatory Lending

"No credit? No problem!" At least, that's what a predatory lender might want you to think.

How to Keep Social Media From Ruining Your Vacation

We all want to take the perfect vacation selfie, but is it really worth ruining your trip?

7 Ways to Balance Work and Travel While On the Road

Sometimes it's hard to unplug and avoid work entirely while on vacation, but not impossible.

6 Things to Do on Your First Day at a New Job

Your resume worked, you wowed 'em at the interview, and today's the day. Continue the run by mastering these secrets of first day on the job success.

How to Make Your Own Soda

From healthy fizzy juices to root beer actually made from roots, from simple seltzer recipes to fermented treats, discover all the ways to make soda at home.

11 Things Scientists Say Will Boost Your Happiness Today

From naps to sad movies, these common everyday activities really do make us happier — in ways science can measure. Try some and feel better!

Think Outside the Index When You Rebalance Your Investment Portfolio

If you are rebalancing your portfolio before the end of the year, make sure you are truly diversified.

7 Things Your Boss Wishes You'd Tell Them

Whether you work in corporate America, or a family-owned business, you probably have a boss. And there are a few things they wish you'd tell them.

Quality Over Price: 15 Items to Spend More On

Want to make sure you're getting the best value for your dollars? When it comes to these 15 items, it makes sense to spend more.

Is there a secret code to control traffic lights?

So, what's the deal — is there actually a code to change the crosswalk light?

How to Avoid Airline Fees in Basic Economy

Airline fees can quickly eat into your travel budget, but if you reveiw airline policies carefully, you can avoid most while flying comfortably, even in basic economy.

8 Apple Watch Apps That'll Save You Money

The Apple Watch is here — and we've rounded up some must-have finance apps to help you manage your money. Is your wrist ready for personal finance?

Why People Go Crazy on Black Friday

From buying unplanned items to straight-up attacking other customers, people can go a little wild on Black Friday. Discover the reasons why.

Emergency belt-tightening

Typical personal finance advice would have you divide your budget categories into two groups: Your fixed expenses and your discretionary expenses. I generally don't like that dis

Why Can't You Ever Make On-Time Payments?

How frustrating is it to pay all of your bills each month when you finally get a minute to sit down and take care of things, only to find out later you got socked with penalties an

How to Look Rich Without Having Much Money

The rich are different — they have more money. Here's how to fake it until you have more money, too.

11 Ways to Get the Most Value From Your All-Inclusive Vacation

You've paid for your trip, and now everything feels free. Make sure you take full advantage of that while you can.