Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Tell You've Become a Financial Grownup

You're all grown up! Becoming a financial grownup, however, is another story.

5 Ways Your Credit Card Can Help You Manage Your Finances

Believe it or not, your credit card can actually help you become a money master.

6 Ways Good Credit Is Better Than a Boyfriend

Love is full of uncertainties. Good credit, on the other hand, fulfills every promise.

Wal-Mart Celebrates Its Own Green Efforts with Free Reusable Shopping Bags

Wal-Mart gets its fair share of negative press. However, a recent article in the new National Geographic’s Green Guide magazine really had me t

Your stimulus check is on its way!

Wow. I guess pigs may just fly after all. Because, believe it or not, the goverment is actually paying out the economic stimulus checks ahead of schedule. And that means you could

What You Need to Know About Writing a Will

Up to 40% of Americans age 45 and older don't have a will. It's high-time you got out of that statistic.

How to Return Items Through Your Credit Card If the Store Refuses

Credit card policies can get you a refund when the store refuses. Just be sure to read the fine print.

7 Important Lessons Frugal Parents Teach Their Children

Being frugal can make us feel like we're depriving our kids sometimes. But frugal parenting can provide so much more than any fancy toy ever could.

10 Fruits and Veggies That Stay Fresh a Month or Longer

Produce that perishes before meal prep wastes food and money. Go ahead and stock up on these crisper staples — they'll be ready when you are.

The 5 Best Voice Recorders

When you're in a pinch and have to record something, you need a dependable device. Use any of these voice recorders and you'll get the audio recording you need.

8 Reasons You're Bad at Money — And How to Fix It ASAP

Bad money habits are hard to break — but you can do it. It's time to ditch the excuses and fix your finances.

8 Technologies We Wish Were Never Invented

The future is now — and it's slightly more annoying, unhealthy, and destructive than we we ever dreamed of. Where's the "undo" button?

How to Watch Sports Without Cable TV

Cutting the cable cord is hard, especially for sports fans. But from online streaming to the good ol' sports bar, there are some ways to make it easier.

The 7 Laws of Negotiation

Over the past couple of decades, I’ve distilled successful negotiating down to seven key principles.

How Too Much Investment Diversity Can Cost You

Never put all your eggs in one investment basket. But how do you know if you have too many baskets?

Christmas Club Accounts: Are They Worth It?

Looking for ways to afford the holiday shopping tab this year? Join the club — literally!

Never Miss Free Ice Cream Again: Complete Calendar of Annual Free Stuff Days

Companies big and small celebrate holidays famous and obscure with freebies. Find out when and where to get yours.

20 Easy Ways to Stretch Your Grocery Dollars

Before you tighten your belt, wring the waste out of your grocery budget with this collection of proven ways to trim food costs.

10 Critical Steps to Protect Your Data in the Cloud

Cloud backup services are easy to use — and easy to hack, it seems. Protect your personal data from prying eyes.

How Job-Hoppers Can Keep Up With Their Retirement Savings

Job hopping is now the norm in the working world. Make sure to take your retirement savings along for the ride.