Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Why Southwest Airlines Is the Best Domestic Airline for Families

Traveling with your kids? Choose the airline that provides the best perks for families.

With Micro-Investing, Your Smartphone Pays YOU

If investing in the stock market puts you on edge, micro-investing with these three apps can help build your nest egg.

Save on Christmas Shopping With This Clever Gift Card Strategy

Christmas is just around the corner. Stretch your gift-giving dollars this season with discounted gift cards. You’ll wish you thought of it sooner!

Yogurt: Should You Try Making Your Own?

Yogurt is already conveniently packaged, widely available, and comes in a big variety of flavors. That said, there are great reasons to make your own.

Commission Free ETFs: A Great Option for Cost Conscious Investors

ETF stands for Exchange Traded Funds. Recently several major brokerages have started to offer their ETFs without a trading commission, and this is great news for those who are j

These 6 Instragrammers Are Getting Rich by Traveling the World

These Instagrammers are traveling the world, taking gorgeous pics, and raking it in — maybe you can join them!

Is It Ever Okay to Cosign a Loan?

Conventional wisdom says cosigning a loan is a major money no-no. But are there exceptions?

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Shortcuts for Meal Prep?

Tell us your shortcuts for meal prep and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

When Dropping Your Life Insurance Is the Right Decision

You know how important it is to have life insurance. But when is it OK to drop it?

Urgent Care or ER? How to Decide Where to Go

You're hurt or sick, and you need quick cre. The question is — urgent care or the ER?

Ask the Readers: How Will You Prep Your Home for Winter?

Tell us how you'll prep your home for winter and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

12 Affordable Ingredients that Add Gourmet Flair to any Meal

Here is an expert list of a dozen common ingredients that will add some flair to your dish — for less than you'd expect.

The Best Eco-Friendly Water Bottles

From reducing waste to saving money to staying hydrated, carrying a reusable water bottle just makes sense. Here are seven of the best.

Ask the Readers: What Was Your Best Customer Service Experience?

Tell us about your best customer service experience and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Getting by without a job, part 2--boost income

There are countless ways to raise your income, besides the obvious one of getting a job. Here are a few categories, and a few suggestions.

Need Business Credit? Build Your Personal Credit First

It's not easy for entrepreneurs to borrow without giving a personal guarantee.

7 Soda Alternatives That Won't Bust Your Wallet — Or Your Waistline

Say "See ya" to your soda habit with these infinitely healthier (and much cheaper!) alternatives.

5 Smart Ways to Meet a Rewards Card Minimum Spending Requirement

Sign-up bonuses can jump-start your rewards-earning potential. Here's how to hit your card's minimum spending requirement, fast.

The Cost of Tanning

A trip to the tanning salon can cost you — and we mean more than just what's in your wallet.

Self-Employed? Here's How to Get Your Apartment Application Approved

Being self-employed has its perks — and its challenges. Finding a new apartment can be tricky, but it's not impossible if you can sell your story.