Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

I Finally Canceled Comcast Cable…Before It Hurt More Than My Wallet

Treat me poorly once, Comcast, shame on you. Provide startlingly awful customer service again, and you lose my business entirely.

6 Things You Should Know About Joint Checking Accounts

Joint checking accounts offer plenty of convenience — but if you aren't careful, a few headaches, too.

Affordable Accessories to Kickstart Your Style

Keep your wardrobe updated and your wallet full by harnessing the power of awesome accessories.

10 Kitchen Gadgets That Aren't Worth the Money

The next time you're in the kitchen utensil aisle, resist the urge to buy that strawberry stem remover. You already own a better tool for the job.

Miracle Device Coin Rolls All Your Credit Cards Into One

Coin's like a universal remote for your plastic: a magical device that lets you store and toggle among all your cards, without actually having to carry around any of them.

Another path to recovery: higher incomes

Preventing a collapse of the financial system is part of preventing a depression. However, the shorthand term for this--getting the banks able and willing to lend--is misleading.

Take Our Reader Survey for a Chance to Win One of Five Amazon Gift Cards!

We’re looking for your feedback to help make our site better — and you could win a $200 Amazon gift card!

Flashback Friday: 34 Smart Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence

Want to make a good impression on the internet? Start by improving your presence on social media.

3 Times a Refinance Is the Wrong Move

A mortgage refinance can save you tons, right? Not always.

Is Student Loan Debt as Bad as It Seems?

Student loan debt is clearly a major financial burden for recent grads, but is it as bad as other kinds of debt?

How to Think Like an Olympian to Master Your Money

Olympians train hard, work harder, and never give up. Apply these same core principles to your finances — and go for the gold!

A Simple Guide to Planning For a Loved One's Long-Term Care

Our aging loved ones deserve the best care possible. Plan for it now, and make the process much easier later.

12 Places to Keep Your Money Safe — And Growing

Sure, you could stuff your money into a mattress, but these 12 savings vehicles keep your money safe and they help it grow a little.

5 Ways to Build Business Credit When You're Self-Employed

If you're self-employed, you have two credit scores to worry about: Yours, and your business's.

Finding Balance: How to Practice Moderation

We all know the benefits of moderation, and yet, that knowledge seems to evaporate when a plate of nachos appears. Learn how to be more mindful.

Save More by Avoiding Multiple Bank Accounts

Have you been using multiple accounts to save for multiple goals? New research suggests a simpler system might lead to more saving.

10 Ways to Keep Your Laptop Safe When Traveling

Your laptop probably holds more critical personal data than anything else you own. Learn how to keep it safe and sound, especially when you're on the road.

20 Simple and Cheap Halloween Costumes for Kids

It's easy to get caught up in Halloween and become frustrated when a complicated costume goes wrong. Skip all that and go for simple and fun, instead.

8 Necessities That Will Be Cheaper in 2016

2015 was a great year — and 2016 looks even better. These eight buys will be cheaper in the New Year.

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Buy a House (Yet)

You dream of kissing the renters' life goodbye, but not so fast. You might not be ready to be a homeowner just yet.