Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill

If you're like me, a trip to the store for a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk can easily run $30 to $40 bucks. Has inflation just really gone up in my neck of the woods? No... I j

7 Questions a Potential Employer Cannot Ask You

No, this list does not include "tell me about a time you messed up at work and what you did to fix it." You have to answer that one.

6 Steps to Achieving All Your Goals

Is your long list of goals looking a little… optimistic? You really can achieve all of them, but you'll have to plan smart and set priorities first. Here's how.

12 Things People With Good Communication Skills Never Do

If you want to engage the people you’re talking with instead of making them tune out, you must avoid these 12 things.

Guess What? Your Bank Rewards May be Taxable

Credit card and bank rewards may be taxable depending on how they're earned. Find out how these rewards are treated, and if you'll be on the hook for taxes.

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/14, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $200 in Prizes!

Topic: Caregiving! Join our conversation AARP's Amy Goyer and AdCouncil for chance to win $200 in Amazon gift cards!

Apple introduces most outrageous “rewards” program in history

I love Apple as a brand. It makes great products, it has tremendous loyalty, but could I go as far as to tattoo the famous Apple logo on my body to get a lifetime discount? Well, t

Ask the Readers: How Often Do You Eat Fast Food?

Tell us how often you eat fast food and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Money Market Accounts: Ideal for Emergency Funds

With a higher return than a regular savings account, a money market bank account is a good choice for your emergency cash.

20 Smart Ways to Spend Your Loose Change

Keep loose change in a dedicated place, and in no time you'll have a nice chunk of change to put to good use. Here are 20 ideas to get you started.

The Process for Purchasing a House With Cash

Last year, one Wise Bread writer and her husband purchased a property with cash. That's right — cash. Here's the process they went through.

8 Travel Must-Haves for Nursing Moms

Have travel plans as a new mom that don't include your new baby? Here's what you need before you hit the road.

How a Family of 4 Can Visit Hawaii for $1,000 or Less

Hawaii may be beautiful, but it's far from the mainland and expensive to visit. These tips can help you plan a Hawaiian vacation for $1,000 or less.

Your Loss Aversion Is Costing You More Than Your FOMO

Losing money hurts so much more than the thrill of getting it. Why is that?

10 Monthly Bills You Can Slash

Stop gritting your teeth when you pay bills. With a little planning, you can slash your monthly expenses while experiencing little change in your living standards.

Skip the Trade-In: Why You Should Sell Your Car Privately

If you're in the market for new wheels, find out why it might be smarter to skip the trade-in and sell your old car yourself.

Original Ways to Use Original Dawn

I love to use household products in various unique ways, so I was thrilled to learn about some new-to-me hacks for the

3 Smartphone Apps That Manage and Maximize Your Credit Card Rewards

Credit card rewards programs can be hard to maximize, and it's easy to let points slip away. Wrangle your rewards with this trio of smartphone apps.

15 Common Kitchen Cast-Offs You Can Repurpose Into Cool New Things

There's gold in your kitchen, as long as you know where to look. Try these new, creative uses for stuff most people throw away.

Who Cares if there's a Recession? I just started a business

Thinking about starting a little business on the side in the middle of a recession? Go ahead and try it! I am.