Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Why Health Care Should be Part of Your Retirement Savings Plan, Too

Retirement planning isn't just about saving for the fun stuff. In fact, one major piece may be missing from your retirement plan.

9 Big Companies That Offer Benefits for Part-Time Workers

Part-timers never get perks and benefits, right? Wrong! Find out which employers go the extra mile for their less than full-timers.

5 Ways to Embrace Having to Work in Retirement

Retirement isn't always a permanent send-off from the working world. If you have to return to the daily grind, there are actually some pluses.

6 Smart Ways to Use Garage Space

If the garage serves no other purpose but another space for clutter to pile up, why not convert it into one of these creative uses?

The 5 Most Successful Investors You've Never Heard Of

Can you name an investor other than Warren Buffett or Peter Lynch? Drop these five names at your next investment club meeting.

The 5 Best Leather Cleaners

If your leather couch or jacket is starting to look too worn, the proper leather cleaner is what you need. Try one of these and watch the magic happen.

10 Most Valuable Things to Plant in Your Garden This Spring

Once the snow melts away, make sure you plant these things in your garden.

Best Credit Cards for Office Supply Purchases

Businesses aren't the only ones who need office supplies -- students and regular households do, too! These credit cards offer big rewards for office essentials.

5 Tax Myths That Can Be Costly for Expats

If you're an expat or a digital nomad, don't let these common misconceptions about taxes come back to bite you.

4 Countries Where You Can Live on $1,000 a Month

High rent costs and living expenses got you down? Living in any of these countries will set you back just $1,000 a month.

The Fastest Method to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Yes, you can get out of credit card debt — and faster than you think. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll chip away at that financial burden.

How Reflecting on Possessions Can Help You Resist Impulse Buys

The key to resisting impulse buys could be as simple as thinking about items you already own.

11 Ways to Make Living With Roommates Tolerable

Living with roommates isn't always easy, but here's how to make it somewhat tolerable.

7 Ways to Repurpose Your Old Christmas Tree

Before you toss that dried up Christmas tree on the sidewalk, give it new life instead!

Failed Frugality: 5 Clues You’ve Gone Too Far

For most people, frugality is a lifestyle choice born out of necessity. A lost job, increase in expenses, or a battle with debt has forced them to take extreme measures to balance

10 Favorite Mail-Order Websites

Here are my 10 mail-order websites that I love for their great customer service and quality products.

The 5 Best Waterproof Laptop Cases

While these best five water proof cases won't protect your laptop from a prolonged dunking, they will protect it from a good spritzing.

These 8 Modern Car Features Are Riskier Than You Think

Cars come with all the bells and whistles these days. Are they all really that safe?

8 Famous People Who Got Rich After 30

Striking it rich is not a privilege reserved for the young. These eight famous entrepreneurs prove you can build an empire at any age.

The Best Ways to Invest $50, $500, or $5000

Whether your windfall is a crisp $50 bill or a few thousand smackers, you can invest it wisely for the best long term payoff. Here's how.