Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions by the End of Summer

Summer is a great time to tackle those New Year's resolutions so that you can just coast through to the holiday season.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Shortcuts for Meal Prep?

Tell us your shortcuts for meal prep and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Financial Goals For 2019?

Tell us about your financial goals for 2019 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

What Does Your Personal Guarantee On a Business Credit Card Mean?

A credit card for your small business can be a great way to manage expenses (and earn rewards). There's just one catch.

The Shanghai Supposition: Better Choices=More Choices=Better Experiences

Cheap Chinese goods have created a Wal-Mart economy in America but for the individual they can be an eye-opening experience about the joys of travel, about the pride garnered from

How One Couple Paid Off $147k of Debt (Even While Unemployed)

Get inspired to eliminate your debt with the story of one couple who stopped borrowing, retired $147,000 in debt, and started living life on their own terms.

Best Money Tips: Simple Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste

Today we found articles on simple ways to cut plastic waste, easy tips for organizing your basement, and the best time to buy a car.

Your Comprehensive Checklist for a Successful Balance Transfer

Balance transfers can be tricky. This checklist will walk you through the whole thing, step-by-step.

The 5 Best Eyelash Curlers

Keeping your eyelashes curled isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these eyelash curlers and your lashes will always look fab.

9 Credit Card Notifications That Can Save You Money

Don't just use credit cards to spend; these helpful alerts make it easier to track, manage, and even save your money.

Concession stand treats – a license to print money.

I was at a local fair recently. The kids were hungry, I was thirsty and we all wanted a snack break. But my wife and I knew we’d have to pay the price. At events like these, you’re

7 Ways to Earn Extra Money With Your Car

Think about it. Your car just sits there, losing value, for hours and hours every day. Turn it into a money-maker instead.

Self-Employed? Here's How to Get Your Apartment Application Approved

Being self-employed has its perks — and its challenges. Finding a new apartment can be tricky, but it's not impossible if you can sell your story.

5 Money Accomplishments You Should Be Proud Of

Don't beat yourself up over the financial challenges ahead. Be proud of what you've already accomplished.

Blood, gore and hairy warts; a DIY Halloween makeup guide.

It looks like we’ve got a little Halloween fever here at Wise Bread. Following on from Andrea’s great story on homemade costumes, I thought I’d add some flavor with homemade Hallow

The 6 Least Expensive Dog Breeds to Own

A dog can be a great addition to your household, but they aren't cheap to buy or care for. These six dogs won't bust your wallet (but will melt your heart).

Extreme Couponing? 5 Reasons Why I’ll Pass.

40 hours per week clipping coupons? Stockpiling products you may never use? Extreme couponing may be all the rage, but it's more like madness to me.

The 14 Best Ways to Cut Food Costs While Traveling

Great food is one of the best parts of vacation but the cost adds up. Try a few of these tricks to save some cash on your next travel adventure!

7 Money Conversations Parents Should Have With Their Adult Kids

Your kids aren't babies anymore. It's time to sit down and talk finance.

50 Fun, Free Ways to Have a Great Time With Friends

Take your next friendly gathering from zero to fun with this collection of engaging and frugal group activities.