Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

4 Hidden Costs of a Luxury Car

A shiny new ride will certainly turn heads, but it will also turn your wallet inside out. Consider these luxe costs before you plunk down for a luxury ride.

5 Reasons You Can Be Denied for a Credit Card Even With Good Credit

Having good credit makes it easier to get approved for home loans, car loans, and the top travel credit cards. However, a good credit score can only take you so far.

Sweeping 101: What the Real Winners Know

Hi, my name is Linsey, and I’m a sweeper. [more]

10 Awesome Sites to Shop for Affordable, Cool Jewelry

Whether you're dressing up or down, these sites have jewelry that doesn't cost a lot, but looks like a million bucks.

Advertising Jargon That Aims to Mislead

In advertising, not everything is as it seems. Watch out for these phrases; if they're being used, you should reconsider the purchase you're about to make.

The Benefits of Changing Your Routine

What's the secret to losing weight, getting more done, and feeling happier? One simple word — change.

10 Smart Ways to Get a Small Business Loan

It takes money to make money, and for small business there have never been so many ways to borrow some. How would a loan help your business grow?

6 Money Misconceptions About Millennials

Despite coming of age in an age of burgeoning student loan debt, weak economies, stagnant wages, the kids these days are pretty savvy about money.

7 Retailers With the Absolute Best Customer Service

These retailers may have higher prices, but their above-and-beyond customer service just might make paying the premium worth it.

Self-Employed? Here's How to Get Your Apartment Application Approved

Being self-employed has its perks — and its challenges. Finding a new apartment can be tricky, but it's not impossible if you can sell your story.

10 Great Uses for Old Ties

Thrift stores (and maybe even your very own closet) tend to be filled with used ties. Give them new life with one of these easy DIY projects.

Having a baby? Nine financial considerations for new parents

My friend recently had a baby girl and she told me about the costs for a normal pregnancy and delivery. To say the least I was a bit flabbergasted that over $25000 was charged for

11 Unexpected Things Covered by Homeowners Insurance

From volcano eruptions to riots, your homeowners insurance has you covered for even these unexpected things.

7 Money Lessons Kids Can Learn From the Tooth Fairy

Turn your child's visit from the Tooth Fairy into a meaningful lesson on money.

How much money should a CEO make?

According to the Institute for Policy Studies, in 1980, American CEOs earned over 40 times more per year than the average American worker. Today, the average American CEO from a

7 Countries Where You Don't Have to Tip at Restaurants

Maybe you hate tipping or maybe you just don't like doing math. Either way, in these popular travel destinations, the gratuity is already covered.

Is Green Tea All It's Cracked Up to Be? It's close.

I've been enjoying the snarky articles at recently focusing on the commoditization of Eastern traditions, such as yoga. [more]

Best Money Tips: Easy Steps for a Greener Holiday Season

Today we found articles on ways to have a green holiday season, opportunities to save money in 2017, and simple but smart ways to improve your home security.

How to Agree on the Perfect Home With Your Spouse

If your dream home is your spouse's worst nightmare, you'll need to find some middle ground before you're move-in ready.

Reverse engineer the best time of your life

Everybody has a "best time" of their life. Maybe it was the summer you spent hiking the Appalachian trail, or a semester abroad during college, or the second half of the first yea