Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 Places to Go to Beat the Summer Heat

From pools to libraries and much more, stay cool without raising your electric bill by visiting one of these inexpensive (or free!) spots.

25 Career Changes You Can Make Today

Don't complain about your job without doing anything — make a positive career change right now with one (or more!) of these techniques.

Should your standard of living rise?

Studies show that a high standard of living doesn't make people happier. People who live in mansions and penthouses aren't any happier than people who live in suburban houses, sma

The 5 Best Extra Virgin Olive Oils

Choosing the right oil to cook with isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these five extra virgin olive oils and everything in life will taste better.

Ask the Readers: What's the Most Extreme Thing You've Done to Save Money?

Tell us about the most extreme thing you've done to save money and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 10 Most Common Financial Aid Mistakes — And How To Avoid Them

Acing FAFSA is crucial for making college affordable for so many students. Unfortunately, it's also super confusing.

Tactics of the rich

There are things the rich do that working class and middle class folks don't. Some of them--living off the return on capital rather than wages or salary--are only available to the

Prepaid Cards About to Get Safer and Better

New consumer protection rules for prepaid cards will help protect you from theft, fraud, and unreasonable fees.

8 Surprising Ways a Personal Website Can Improve Your Life

Even if you don't have a side hustle to promote, creating a personal website can make your life better. So why not make one?

5 Crucial Things You Should Know About Bonds

Boring and staid, bonds remain a fundamental piece of a well-made portfolio. Find out why you should add bonds to yours.

Delicious Way to Use Up All the Vegetables in Your Crisper

Overabundance of veggies? Try using them up in a delicious soup. Here's how.

10 Ways to Reuse Buttons

If you have a veritable flood of fasteners hanging around your house, use those extra buttons in one of these fun, creative projects.

Cutting the Cable Cord Has More Than Financial Benefits

Saving money by cutting cable is great, but there are other excellent benefits that have nothing to do with the cash.

Slow DRIP into investing

My first-ever individual stock holding was a Duke Power (now Duke Energy) share that I acquired through its Dividend Reinvestment Plan or DRIP. [more]

Inside the Shady World of Cheap iTunes Gift Cards

A casual search on eBay led to auctions selling iTunes gift cards for cheap, but is there a darker side to this? Some would say yes.

The Key to Happiness: A Case Study

Let's explore the lives of two very different people with an aim to discover what the key to happiness is. It may be simpler than you think.

College Move-Out Days: The Best Time to Dumpster Dive?

Every year, thousands of college students throw out everything from working TVs to unopened cans of food. Find out how to make their trash your treasure.

This One Thing Could Be the Key to Retiring Rich

Quick: What's one thing you can do right now that will make you over 50 percent more likely to increase your retirement savings? It's not a trick; this really works.

How to Succeed When You're the Oldest Person at Work

When your boss is much younger than you, it can be a blow to the ego. It's time to let it go and get on with the job.

10 Surprising Marketing Tricks You Should Be Aware Of

From unhealthy "health" products to designer diamonds and more, discover 10 sneaky marketing tricks to avoid.