Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

TWINKIE SUSHI - Chopsticks optional

I am not exactly a Twinkie fan. I moved to the USA in my mid-twenties and so I hadn't acquired a taste for them. And most likely never will (although I did try a deep-fried Twinkie recently...not bad, considering). [more]

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What to Do if You Get Sick While Traveling Abroad

There's never a good time to get sick. This might be the worst time.

Giving is Better Than Blogging... or IS it?

Giving is better than receiving. I do sincerely believe this, as much as I like receiving. And I do like getting stuff. You know that old saying about giving a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day... [more]

Best Money Tips: 101 Ways to Make Money Online

Today we found some great articles on 101 ways to make money online, handling unexpected expenses, and how to save money if you hate negotiating.

4 Unexpected Costs of a Higher-Paying Job Offer

Accepting a higher-paying job offer is an automatic "yes," right? Not exactly — here's why you may want to turn the money down.

Could You Make Ends Meet If You Were Suddenly Disabled?

No one is immune to disabling injury or illness. Are you prepared for the what-if?

For Riders Only: Harley-Davidson Visa Secured Card

A secured card with a fun rewards program! Harley-Davidson fans rejoice.

Rejoice - it's Haagen-Dazs FREE SCOOP DAY.

Can I say, right here and now, I love free anything. But free ice-cream? [more]

5 Best Secured Cards with Travel Rewards

You may not know that there are secured credit cards that offer travel rewards. Rebuild your credit and earn free travel at the same time!

Best Money Tips: 10 Things You Pay Too Much For

Today we found some great articles on things you probably pay too much for, ways to reuse plastic bottles, and easy tips for cutting down on daily expenses.

How to Be Frugal (Without Becoming a Hermit)

Being frugal doesn't mean being stuck at home alone reading library books and watching free TV. Discover how to save money — and get out of your house.

Building Wealth: Highlights from Our Chat in Honor of Houston Money Week

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with the Dallas Fed on building wealth.

How to Get More Value From United Airlines Miles

United's MileagePlus program offers award flights on a wide variety of partner airlines, and there are plenty of ways to stretch those miles even further.

Are You Ready for Home Ownership?

My husband and I just moved to the Great Northwest, and we batted around the idea of purchasing our first home. [more]

Quick travel ideas

So, I'm finishing up at my old job this week and things are crazy. Thus, I offer you some of the best travel tips that just might save you some money.

20 Free Ways to Show You Care

Want to express your gratitude, love, or respect? Show how much you care (not how much money you have) with one of these great ideas.

4 Ways Credit Cards Manipulate You Into More Debt

We humans aren't always rational. Learn four psychological tricks credit card companies use to capitalize on your irrationality and maximize your debt.

9 Ways to Maintain Motivation When the Going Gets Tough

Getting through a difficult time or task can be incredibly trying. Follow these tips to stay motivated and on-track to overcome whatever comes your way.

I Got Duped! Dealing With Credit Card and Merchant Disputes

So you bought an awesome thing-a-ma-jiggy or service with your credit card. But when you got it home you discovered the item doesn't work, the service was a heist, or the