Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Why I Still Write Paper Checks

I know people who never write checks, but I'm not one of them. Here's why.

The 6 Least Expensive Dog Breeds to Own

A dog can be a great addition to your household, but they aren't cheap to buy or care for. These six dogs won't bust your wallet (but will melt your heart).

10 Things to Stop Doing on Social Media by 30

Acting like a child on social media isn't such a great look when you're a grown, professional adult.

Sure Savings at the Supermarket

A SURE way to save 20-25% on many of your groceries? Oh, yes, and it couldn't be simpler!

11 Ways to Make Living With Roommates Tolerable

Living with roommates isn't always easy, but here's how to make it somewhat tolerable.

What You Need to Know About Filing an Insurance Claim After a Natural Disaster

When your home is a casualty of natural disaster, know what steps to take immediately with your insurance company.

21 Frugal Ways to Reward Yourself Right Now

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But what about you? Reward yourself with these easy, cheap, and relaxing activities.

25 Ways to Communicate Better Today

Getting your point across (and understanding the points that others are making) is one of the most important skills you can master. Learn how to do it better.

25 New Things to Do Today

In a rut? Need a shake-up? Or just want something fun and different to do? This list will help you create, connect with people, and have a great time.

10 Cool DIY Home Improvements for $20 or Less

Add some pizazz (and property value) to your home without breaking the bank. All you need is $20 and a few hours to yourself.

7 Modern Reasons to Visit Your Local Library Today

The library isn't just a building full of old books. You can have a whole lotta fun there — for free!

5 Simple Ways to Never Make a Late Credit Card Payment

Forgetting about your credit card bill can hurt your credit score and your wallet. Learn how to stop missing due dates once and for all.

A First-Timer's Guide to Using Airbnb

Never used Airbnb before? No problem. Here's how to book a rental, what to expect, and things to look out for.

14 Reasons Why an Accountant Is Worth the Money

From saving you money to keeping you out of Audit Land, an accountant or tax preparer is so worth the extra cost.

8 Valuable Rights You Might Lose When You Refinance Student Loans

You can refinance your mortgage to chip away at federal student loans faster. But be cautious: It comes at a cost.

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for Car Insurance

Too often, drivers pay more than they need to for car insurance. Discover how to avoid common mistakes and save lots of cash.

5 Modern Ways to Split the Bill

Are you always the one who gets stuck covering taxes and tip when it's time to settle the tab with friends? Not anymore.

35 Grocery Items You Should Make at Home (and 5 to Buy)

Homemade protein powder? Yep, you can make that and 34 other grocery staples cheaply and easily at home. (And discover the five you should DEFINITELY skip.)

How to Use Miles and Points for a Big Award Trip

Once you've earned all those points and miles on your credit card, how do you go about redeeming them for your dream vacation?

8 Good Reasons to Become a Contractor

There was a time, not that long ago, in which Americans would graduate from college, get a job, and stick with that job until retirement. For those of us who can risk a little more